And They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love

Jul 24, 2006 09:10

Yesterday was absolutely fantastic. We led the English church service again, and got a congregation nearly three times the size of last week's! Eight people in the pews isn't a lot by the usual standards, but since one of Nain's big problems is a lack of youth interest in church, and six of the people we had were kids, it felt like we had done something really big.  We did a skit of the Good Samaritan to complement the sermon, and it's always a fun service when you get to at least act out beating the crap out of somebody. The other great bit was that we'd invited anyone who wanted us to talk or pray with them to stay after the service, and almost everyone did. The service only ran about half an hour, and then the kids stayed to sing more songs with us(and Sayward gave them a kind of children's sermon about being able to talk to God anywhere), and one adult guy who came wanted to talk to Brad about some of the Big Questions about faith. I'm still on a cloud.
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