What's sexier than emo vampires? EMO VAMPIRES IN WOLF FORM

May 26, 2009 01:19

So, wonder of all wonders, I finally have a VK chapter that doesn't make me want to shred my manga. Granted, I know it is all lies horrible lies and Zero will inevitably end up screwed again because that's why he exists.

But this chapter is glorious enough for

Mmmmmm canon Zerowolf. Why must you be so hot? You too, canon Kanamewolf. Wolves for all! I love this picture beyond words because it illustrates my favorite concept behind this trio. As much as I have issues with Kaname/Yuuki (mostly because she turns very co-dependent around him), I do love one-sided love. So I am all over Zero curled protectively around Yuuki while she clings to Kaname. Selfless protector = d'awwwww.

On another note, I am also FINALLY toying with the idea of updating Zero now that I have something SANE to work with. Read more about it here. I'd love input from people who play with him regularly if you have any.


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