Hypocrites are annoying.

Mar 05, 2010 02:55

I was debating whether I wanted to write this out or if it was better to simply ignore someone who was very rude and hostile toward me on twitter yesterday. After discovering that she was not only picking on me but was harassing at least one other person that day, and has done so frequently in the past, including to a blogger I follow who I really respect, I don't think her bullying deserves complacence. I don't feel right posting her username here, so I won't, but of course it's in my twitter feed.

If someone feels the need to call me out on something I said or did wrong, I have no problem with that. I still welcome her or anyone else to point out any wrongdoings of mine if they are specific. However, nothing is gained from a random and vague statement like, “you are the voice of priviledge and entitlement.” with no further information on what led to that conclusion. For context, she also accused me of expecting/demanding trust from trans women, when I was simply tweeting about thoughts going on IN. MY. head. How thinking and verbalizing words that were completely regarding myself and MY brain functioning, with no mention of a trans woman or any other person, is the same as demanding and expecting trust from OTHER people still doesn't make sense to me.

Why am I calling her a hypocrite? Because through my interaction with her all I could gather was that despite her spending enormous amounts of time telling people to get off their high horses and stop clutching their pearls (it's definitely well founded plenty of times) is that she is above all criticism. Shocker right? Apparently, she knows and understands every person in the world more fully than anyone else. The fact that I don't have a PhD in "nueva voz" (woops!) worship is what took me so long to realize that.

I was further pissed off upon learning that she chose to harass another person by attacking her gender identity and the fact that she (a teenager) was sexually assaulted earlier in the day. That is so completely sick coming from an adult who supposedly cares about transgender rights as a trans woman herself. She mocked the girl's confusion about her gender identity and thought it was okay to mock her assault because the girl described the perpetrator in a racist way. For someone acting like an expert on privilege and combating 'isms I'm surprised it was so hard for her to remember the simple fact that it is possible to point out racism without resorting to minimizing someone's sexual assault, an activity that misogynists regularly enjoy, oddly enough.

This is not an unusual, one-time-only, mode of functioning for her. She has repeatedly engaged in episodes of confronting a person who decides to follow her on twitter, then instead of approaching any sort of dialogue or discussion she attacks them personally and blocks them. Way to get people to hear your ideas and progress. It's really a shame because she also happens to have a lot of important things to say.

It is important to point out privilege and prejudice when we see it and good for her for making that effort. However she is not immune from imperfection herself (though she would have us think otherwise; oh wait did I misinterpret her “intentions”? woops, too bad because that doesn’t matter in her book) and that’s what pisses me off the most about her.

When she pointed out a problem she perceived in my words, I responded with openness and without the assumption that I couldn’t do something wrong. I did nothing to disrespect her ideas and was willing to listen to whatever she had to say. But when I asked her a simple question instead of immediately apologizing for possibly doing something to displease her (when I didn’t even know what that specific something was yet, and still don’t since she never bothered saying) and kissing her ass, she couldn’t afford me the same courtesy of patience and listening that I was giving her, and proceeded to block me immaturely, claiming that somehow *I* could not listen nor learn. How she came up with that when I was the one making efforts to do both of those things while she refused to entirely *IS* beyond my understanding. I give her that.

I began following her on twitter because she initially seemed like an intelligent and interesting person. I appreciate that she has a lot to be angry about and agree with her right to voice her anger in whatever way she sees fit. I do not agree that while she belongs to one of the most marginalized and silenced groups in society, it entitles her to demand that all words out of her mouth be taken as ultimate truth and lack of agreement or understanding is merely the stupidity of the listener, not her being HUMAN and thus not all-knowing.
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