A artical I wrote for myyearbook.com

Oct 23, 2007 03:23

The band, Evanescence, has been around for quite a few years now. Their tune was inspired by Nine Inch Nails, and that was what lead singer Amy Lee had said in many of her interveiws. Their first store sold album, Fallen, was on the top 10 for at least 2 months in a row. The song that made them famous was "Bring me to life". Now they have two more albums out, Anywhere but Home was their live concert in Paris, France. And now "The Open Door". In My oppinion, no other band can touch them. But that isn't everyone's veiw. Just because I am a die-hard Evanescence fan doesn't make them everyone else's favorite.

I have brought it upon myself to interview a few people, on their views and oppinions of the band. Brian, 21 of State College PA says "They could be a little harder, but i enjoy the piano songs a lot" Though they never claimed to be a hard rock band, a few other's may feel the same as Brian. But even though they aren't his type of music, he says Lithium, from the album "The Open Door" is his favorite song they have made and he also declared that a song has helped him through some hard times "My Imortal, it kinda helped remind me to take care of myself cause i worry too much about someone else so much (ex-gf)" Is his exact words. Another person I have interveiwed said something similar of the same song. Nicki Gregorey, 22, Il. Said "Well the song my immortal reminds me of my past, it makes me cry cause i lost loved ones" I think that many people have the same oppinon or at least very close. In my experiance, the song "My Immortal" makes me think of my father that died when I was 10 years old. Since I heard that song five years ago, I listen to it on his birthday, and the day he died.

Some are hardcore fans like me but I know, and they know, not everyone shares the same opinion. Some only listen to their music when they don't know what else to listen to. Like Amber, 19 from PA "I sometime listen to them when i have nothing else to listen to. or when i want to listen to something else" She said when I interviewed her. And there are people who think the band will come to trouble like they have in the past. Jake 18 from Australia says "Amy Lee is a minx, there will always be trouble." Then he also said, "They have had to put the band on hold mulitple times Due to Amylee, if its happened before, its bound to happen" All I can say to that is... I hope not.

This concluded my artical on Evanescence. Thank you for reading. I would appriciate comments on how I did, this is my first time writing an artical. Any comments on how I can do better are welcome.

kendra, bitexxme, evanescence

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