May 23, 2004 20:52
Holy shit latly EVERYTHING SUCKS! Me and liz broke up which is nothing new and I know everyone so far has said its a good thing but w/e...the GREATEST thing though is that the SECOND me and liz broke up he goes and asks her out which number 1 he went behind my back cuz he always said i dont go out with other friends ex's and number 2 always talked shit saying he didnt like her so hes pretty much number 1 on my list of fags right now...also the fact that i no he talks shit bout me behind my back...(some friend huh?)...but even GREATER which i think is the greatest thing is SHE SAID NO!!! lmao sucks for him...but idc she still likes me and i still like her jus neither one of us want a girlfriend / boyfriend right now so we'll see where it goes...then to top things off i got a desil car accident on monday(5/17/04) and we wrecked a Subaru WRX STI $32,000 car BRAND NEW...we fliped it into a telephone pole goin like 60mph...luckily we were all okay though...fuckin chris was in the car too but neither one of us got hurt and we got a couple days off of school...the main thing that sucks is the work we have to make up but w/e it'll be tired so ima go lay down and watch tv...ill update l8r...peace...