This is probobly the most bored i've been in a long time...(why else would I be updating this peice of shit) on a good note alot of things have been goin on...We booked the cabins for canada and im leavin the 9th and gettin back the 18th...originally I was gunna go with Cota but of as of latly he's been thinkin he's the shit...and he pretty much smoked himself retarded anyway so I don't even pay attention to him anymore...I've been hanging out with Rob and Coffey latly which has been alot cooler...I also started landing my kickflips and i can varial flip and "almost" double flip...anyway shits been pretty good latly but i'm tired to i'm gunna bounce............................................................L8R....
P.S. Think america is all about freedom and what we're doing in Iraq is a good thing...check this out...mabey it'll change your mind...