
May 25, 2008 00:19

There really hasn't been anything going on lately, so I'm just not writing much. My birthday was uneventful. I went to court in the afternoon but my testimony ended up not being necessary, so I got paid to sit in the waiting room of family court for several hours and do nothing. Next time I'm taking a book, I didn't realize it would take that long. Birthday presents consisted of two pair of capris, two tops and a pair of cute flip floppy shoes. Cake was yum. No parties, no drinking, nothing fun, really. My parents were here with my nephew (they drive him down every couple of months do have his braces tightened as the orthodontist was paid in full by the insurance before they decided to move, non-transferrable), thursday and Friday (birthday was Friday), so I spent the day after cleaning up after having extra people in my house. It was pretty much a disaster. That evening I went to a bbq at a friend's place, left early and went home to bed. Sunday I got up relatively early and went over to the best friend's place to help her and her mom clean out the garage. It was about 104°, we were working for about 10 hours. Good day.

Monday I got to the school to drop my oldest midget off and the gates were locked. In-service or some such, but they didn't bother to send anything home with the kid. So I took the day off. As soon as I got home the other school called to tell me that the youngest had thrown up in class. The ex had the flu over the weekend (4 days total), and he was miserable, so I was less than thrilled). So I went to pick her up and brought her home. She was sick all day, she threw up a dozen times. The oldest decided she would take care of the little one, so I took my cell phone and went across the street to help them finish the garage. I'm not good at sitting around the house. I came back frequently to check in on the sick girl and hold her hair. She couldn't keep anything down, but no fever or anything. She drank a lot of water, which was very good, and stayed in bed all day. In the evening she developed a really nasty fever, just over 102°. I decided if it went any higher I'd take her to the ER. But it didn't and when she woke up Tuesday it had broken and she felt okay and looked just a bit peaked. Tuesday and Wednesday were completely uneventful. Thursday the little one had the spring concert and the older one had an open house, both at 6:30, in different towns, neither one told me about this until the last minute. I became supermom and we made both events, although I forgot to take my camera.

I bought a couch. A big fucking sectional. It'll be delivered Tuesday. I hate waiting for stuff, I'm totally impatient. But there will be pictures once it's here.

Last night we loaded the truck with the stuff my friend and her mom wanted to donate to the Salvation Army, and realized that it wasn't all going to fit, so we put the rest in the garage. Good thing we did because it poured all night and most of the day today. So this morning we drove to the SA and dropped that stuff off, then came back and loaded the trash into the truck and went to the dump. Then we came back and loaded the rest of the SA stuff and took that, dropped the truck off with the friend that we had borrowed it from and then came home. Tomorrow I'll be doing major spring cleaning in my house and organizing the garage. Monday the futon is going out into the garage in preparation for the couch delivery.

That's all. Oh, except for tomorrow night I'm going to Mitch and Shelley's for Shelley's 40th birthday. Brian has agreed to keep the girls and there will be drinking. It should be fun. Other than that my life is pretty uneventful. I spent this afternoon watching chick flicks and being bitter about my decision to be celibate. So other than being just a bit lonely and horny, everything is good.

weekend, celibacy, family, life, birthday, furniture, me, other stuff, having a life

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