Did I mention...?

Dec 12, 2007 22:16

I have been going way too nuts lately, with the AAFES card. I know I can afford the payments, because they're teeny and the interest rate is super low, but damn. When I get my tax refund I'll be paying off the majority of my credit purchases, but keeping all the cards. I want to have as much available credit as possible as home buying is in the near future, I'm thinking maybe a year. I printed out my VA certificate application, and keep meaning to send it off, but forgetting to mail it. I need to get that done. Anyway, I spent quite a bit on the AAFEs card, but I'll have a lot to show for it. The new computer will be here Monday, the bed got here last night, and the kids Christmas gifts will be here later next week. No shipping fees (aside from the $25 for the bed due to it's size, which I would have paid on top of standard shipping), no tax, low payments. Rock.

What else is going on aside from lots of retail therapy? I made reservations at the Westwind Inn on Travis AFB for the 4th and 5th, January drill in Fairfield. The armory is directly across the street from the main gate, and the room is $30/night, comparable rooms in the area are twice that. I was going to stay at Karen's since Mom said she was living down there now, but she was a little off on the exact area. Karen is about 40 minutes from Travis, not a distance I want to drive at 5am. So I got a room. It'll be like a mini-vacation. Not really, but I can dream, right? I need to get my ass in shape, pronto. I don't care about failing the last 3 PT tests here, I didn't give a shit about this unit, and wasn't being supported, so doing my best wasn't really worth it to me. But now that I'll be in a good unit, I want to be in shape and be squared away. Which means that I need to work out and I need to fire a weapon. I haven't had my hands on an M-16 since July, and before that it had been a couple of years. I need to hit the range a few times before weapons qual again so I can get back in the swing of things. It's almost like riding a bike, but not quite.

What else... not much, really. My washing machine may be dying. Last night I put whites in to wash, planning to switch them to the dryer at 5:30 this morning, so by the time I got out of the shower at 6:30 they'd be done and warm. When I got up at 5:30 to switch them I ended up sticking my hand in a tub of cold water. The cycle had stopped in the middle of the rinse cycle. I messed with it a bit, and it started again, only to stop again at the 2nd rinse. It managed to get through that whole wash, and I promptly forgot about it. Tonight I realized that now I need to do a load of dark colors or face having no pants for work tomorrow. While going to work in my pajama bottoms is really appealing to me, I don't think the boss would approve. I started the washer, put in the suds and added the clothes. When I went back to check later it hadn't even filled up before it stopped. Again I managed to get ti going, but I'm worried. I think it might be a short, but I'm not sure. I'll have to look at it for real this weekend. Maybe if I replace the plug it'll be good to go. 'm hoping so, I could conceivably buy a new washer right now, but it would suck a lot.

Wow, I just realized how fascinating my life is. I will now go cry myself to sleep.
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