Weekend stuff

Sep 25, 2005 11:47

As I was getting ready to leave on Friday to take the kids to Brian's the phone rang. I totally should have let it ring and walked out. But I didn't. It was Jen. Asking at the last minute if I could come over and spend the night with the boys right then. Absolutely no notice. Ian was supposed to be here at noon on Saturday, so I told her, and she said "Oh, well, I'll be home around 1, and Cody's old enough to watch Gavin for an hour or so, just not overnight, so you can go ahead and leave at noon tomorrow." So I agreed. Why am I so stupid? I got over there, Josh decided to come home instead of spending the night in Shingletown or wherever the hell his brother is building the house. So I slept on the couch, and woke up with a massive kink in my neck yesterday morning. Josh left early to go back up to the house, and Jennifer called at 10 to tell me that she was stuck in traffic on I5, because of a major accident, and would probably be home around 2 or 2:30. I reminded her that I needed to leave at noon, because my friend would be at my house around then. She then said "Well, since Gavin's not feeling well I think you should stay. There's only so much you can ask of Cody, he's had a rough week, and I don't want him to be stuck with his brother by himself." What the fuck? She knew Gavin wasn't feeling well when she called me Friday, she told me he had a cold. She knew that Cody had a rough week on Friday when she called me, but she still said that it was ok for me to bail at noon, because I had plans. If I didn't love my nephews I would have walked out, seriously. So when she got to town she calls back and says "I'm at the factory outlets, I promised Gavin I'd bring him a toy, I'll be there in a bit." Thanks a lot for the consideration, seriously. I'm not getting paid to babysit the boys. The only payment I'm getting is the use of her washing machine when I watch them, which is nice, and saves me about $6 a week, but doesn't quite compensate me for losing two days of my weekend away from the kids.

So Ian got here at around 1pm, and called me from my front porch. I had left the back door unlocked just in case, and instructed him to go ahead and go in and relax until I got back. I finally got home at 3, still a bit pissed off. Ian brought me the coolest shirt ever, it's kind of a torn T, with the words 'Stop looking at my tits' on the front. And he left Orgazmo for me since we never got a chance to watch it. We sat around and did some computer stuff, and then decided to head to Redding and the Outback. Yummy dinner. After dinner we opted for a movie, so I took him to the Movies 8 in Redding (I have no idea where the Movies 10 is). We got there at 6:30, and had a choice between The Brothers Grimm and Lords of War. We opted for the latter, even though neither of us had seen previews for it, because the poster looked neat and it had Nickolas Cage, and it started at 7:15 and gave us more time to talk. It was an excellent fucking choice, by the way, the movie kicked a serious amount of ass. I still need to see The Brothers Grimm, maybe I'll hit up a matinée today before I get the kids, I dunno.

Anyway, Ian is safely back in San Jose, the kids are coming home tonight, and I still have laundry to put away and my bed to make and the recycling to take out. Yay for weekends!

friends, sister, movies, kids, weekend

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