With registration about a month away, I thought it was time for a post about how REGISTRATION IS A MONTH AWAY, ARE YOU READY TO PARTY IN A REGISTRATION-Y KIND OF WAY?
Yes, that's right, registration for Pacificon 2010 (aka Bitchin' Party) will open at 9 a.m. Pacific time on Saturday, November 7, 2009. WOO
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hi. am excited! and thus panicking in advance!
(also am willing hugh dillon to tour next april, starting in vancouver on, ooooh, saayyyyy the 13th. dear universe: am willing to sacrifice cute goats in this cause. love, unhurt.)
dear universe: am willing to sacrifice cute goats in this cause.
OMG ME TOO. As long as they've seen lightning first!
(now i want you to cackle madly and swish your cloak btw)
OH wait. you have to DEAL with OUR registrations. um. brb, replacing brain.
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