Fandom: Harry Potter

Aug 12, 2007 13:54

The Saviors and Keepers of the light

By: SlytherinTypeOfEvilx0x

Summary: what if Harry Potter wasin't the Potters real son, but that of an Elf and Vampire?
For the love of God, NO!

Fic starts before first year, some spoilers, lots of ooc and swearing.
What is the point of doing a fanfic if you are going to take everyone out of character?

Disclaimer: I do not own any of J.K Rowling’s characters. I only own The Chiakis.
The Chiakis? Those pseudo-Japanese people the fic? You can keep them.

A/N: This story was all my idea, well most of it.
No, not really. It’s been done to death already.


Chapter one: Prologue

The moon was out, and the scent of death was thick in the air.
In the war zone…

“Ma’am, the mortals are mostly dead. What are your orders?”
Mostly dead? Is that like mostly harmless?

“Let those that live go,
Because the dead can’t exactly move on their own.

we are no longer needed here.” was the woman’s reply.
And we are…?

In 30 seconds, all of those on the opposite side of the mortals disappeared in a swirl of smoke.
I’ll bet if I had a better description, I’d be really impressed by that.

Well all but one.
Of course.

The woman walked toward one of the mortals and said,
Where did everybody go?

“We leave you to rebuild your race,
I think it will take more than one. Oh, it was all but one not-mortal-thingies who disappeared.

but I leave with a warning.
This is only the prologue.

If your race forgets that they are not the superior ones,
You’re screwed.

and we the children of the night and the sons and daughters of Mother Nature are your masters and mistresses,
Come up for air!

then we shall return and kill you all and show NO mercy.”
Could you write that down for me so I don’t forget?

With that said she disappeared to the darkest depths of the world.
*gasp* I guess.


1000 years later,
What a nice round number.

on June 12, 1984 The Potters are grieving over the death of their first born son.
This wording suggests that there is a second born son.

He died of an illness that is as of yet unknown.
You mean like SIDS?

No one but them knows this as it has just happened.
Come again? *throws commas at story*

There is a knock at the door.
Oh, the suspense. *yawn*

James gets up and goes to answer it. “Hello? Who are you?”
Avon calling.

There is a man and a woman at the door.
Can we slow this down any more?

The man has Dark green eyes, just like his Lily’s, and Long Black hair that reaches just past his shoulders.
And random capitalizations.

He is wearing a dark green tunic, black pants, and black leather boots along with a black cloak outlined in dark green.
Black and green clothes. Got it.

The woman has beautiful royal purple eyes and long black hair that reaches just past her waist. She is wearing a knee length dark purple dress that has a slit going up each side that reaches her mid thigh,
Pretty racy for the day time, isn’t it?

with black skintight black short-shorts underneath, and knee high black boots.
Is she a stripper?

She has a black cloak as well, except it’s outlined in dark purple
Holy over descriptors, Batman!

and is holding a small bundle of blankets.
The cloak is holding it?

“Hello, my name is Ichihara Chiaki, and this is my wife Hatori Chiaki and our son Taikihara Chiaki.
Please overlook our fake Japanese names, otherwise what we’re about to suggest will make even less sense.

We have a favor to ask you, but we would like to ask it of your wife as well.”
Because it’s the twentieth century and women have gotten so pushy, wanting rights and all.

“Well come in then, come in.
We just lost our son, but no one knows, so come on in!

By the way my name is James and this is my wife Lily.”
They want to ask a favor of total strangers?

“It’s very nice to meet you.”
Just get on with it!

“So what is this favor you have to ask?”
Can we crash here a few hours?

“Well, first let me explain what we are doing here.
And bore the readers more.

Around one year ago, when our son and his twin Kitsune Chiaki were born, a prophecy was made.
Can we have the edited highlights?

It said ‘Born to those who heir the throne, the saviors and keepers of the light will save our realms in their darkest hour.
Yeah, right, sure, whatever.

But they will be separated and shall not know each other for 4 short months.
Like, going away to camp?

They shall suffer greatly in years to come, but they shall never lose sight of their objective.
Which is…?

Born to those who heir the throne…’ this prophecy is about our children.
Can you tell us what the hell it means?

We already know about Lord Voldemort and the fact that he is after you changes nothing.
So you broke through our impenetrable charm just to bore us with a pseudo-Japanese prophesy?

We also know that in 20 days, a Miss Sybil Trelawney with make a prophecy about your son,
Because our Seers see further ahead than your Seers see. See?

well our son really, but no one except us knows that.
So you’re already assuming that they’ll take the kid.

We decided that since our prophecy is companion to your prophecy, you should be the family that looks after our son for the next four months.
Because it’s prophetic and junk.

We also have a plan for when Voldemort attacks.
Pretend you’re not home.

He will most likely try to kill you so;
Just give the whole game away, why don’t you?

we’ve decided that we will make magical and DNA clones of the two of you for that night.
At a loss for words.

This way the prophecy will still happen, and you’ll be safe.
Yeah, sure. Honey, call the men in the white coats, please.

When we return too our realm with the three of you that night, my wife will ask Lily a question.
What the hell are you blathering about?

You don’t have to answer right away, we will give you time.
In the form of this wristwatch.

People in this realm will think you dead, so choose two people to take with you.
Are you buying any of this?

You will be married in Elvin and Vampiric custom
Elves and Vampires have customs? No, never mind.

depending on your answer to my wife’s question.

Any questions?”
What the fuck are you talking about?

“Um…yeah what do you mean by ‘Elvin and Vampiric custom’?”
All that, and this is the question they ask!

“Oh, well I’m an Elf and my wife is a Vampire.”
Oooooh, now I…don’t…get it. I thought vampires couldn’t breed, being dead and all.

“oh… ok.”
Forget the white coats. Get the straightjacket.

“Well, we’ll be leaving our son here now.
I don’t recall them accepting to do the favor.

Oh and we’ll come and visit until the day before the 31 of October, which at midnight we’ll change you with the clones.”
So don’t worry about Halloween costumes.

“Ok, bye then.”
I would like to pause to state that this is the stupidest plot yet.

Then Ichihara opened a portal, while Hatori was saying good-bye to their son.
And ditches her.

“Now you behave, Taikihara, or should I say Harry?”
I don’t think a name was ever discussed.

she kisses him on the forehead and gives him to Lily.
Yeah, yeah.

She steps through the portal and then Ichihara follows and closes it.
And they never come back. The end.

The Potters look down at baby ‘Harry’ in Lily’s arms.
Suddenly noticing that he’s Japanese

She brushes some black hair behind his ear and notices that his ears are pointed.
Is he green, too?

“Hmm, I guess they weren’t joking when they said they were Elves.”
*deadpan* Ha. Ha. Ha. What do we do with the dead kid in the next room?

4 months later, at 10 to midnight on a street in surrey called Privet drive,
A black cat crossed someone’s path.

A man appeared on the corner. Nothing like this man has ever been seen in Privet Drive.
I don’t care.

He was tall, thin and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard which were both long enough to tuck into his belt.
So, ZZ Top was in town.

He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak which swept the ground and high-heeled, buckled boots.
Here we go with the fashion show again.

His blue eyes were light, bright, and twinkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked, as thought it had been broken at least twice.
Former Heavy Weight Champion of the world!

This mans name was Albus Dumbledore.
Wow, description is actually canon. Exactly, in fact. Chapter one, page 8.

He rummaged through his cloak and took out a silver cigarette lighter and put out all the lamps on the street.
Wouldn’t that make it a snuffer instead of a lighter?

Then he walked to number 4, Privet Drive and saw the cat sitting on the wall.
See, told you.

“Fancy seeing you here, Professor McGonagall.”
I’m fading!

He turned and smiled at the cat, which started to blur around the edges and grow. When that was done, a woman stood in its place.
And now we’ll find out exactly what she’s wearing, right?

She had square glasses, and an emerald cloak. Her black hair was pulled into a tight bun.
See? Told you so.

They started to have a heated conversation.
But we’ve had enough plagiarism.

Neither witch nor wizard noticed the two cloaked figures hiding in the shadows on the other side of the road.
Because they were cloaked, hiding, or not part of canon?

They did notice when a huge man on a Flying motorcycle who landed and gave Dumbledore a bundle of blankets.
Again with the random capitalization.

Then the old wizard put the bundle on the door- step and put a letter in the small child inside the bundles hands.
Like an infant won’t tear it to shreds.

Then he put all the lights back in the lamps and the large man left on the motorcycle and the witch and wizard disappeared with a pop just as the clock in the house struck midnight.
*throws more commas at fic*

The two cloaked figures removed their hoods as the walked across the street.
Oh, the non-stop, breakneck pace of this inaction.

“Hatori, darling please hurry and grab Tai-chan, we still have to stop at the Werewolf’s house and Askaban to pick up the Potter’s friends.”
I’ll bet you think you’re clever with all those canon references.

“Yes Ichi-chan.”
Just get on with it will you!

Hatori scooped up the bundle and the letter and walked back to her husbands side.
The end.

“I don’t think it wise to bring Tai-chan to Askaban, but I don’t think he will mind going to Mr.Lupin’s house.”
But he’s just an infant, it doesn’t matter.

“True. You shall bring our son and the Werewolf to our home while I rescue Black.” And so the figures opened a portal, steped through and disappeared.
The end, she asked hopefully.


So… Did you like my prologue?
It sucked. It has more plot holes than Swiss cheese.

Did ya hate it?

Please review!
Don’t tempt me.

harry potter

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