θ 21

Feb 27, 2009 17:16

[night has fallen once again on Eos, and one man who has spent far too much time listening to voices in the dark depths of the forest has finally emerged from the tree-line. amazingly, he looks slightly more put together than he has in past days. his tie is straight, tightened snugly in place, and his shirt tails are tucked neatly into his suit ( Read more... )

with: aerith gainsborough [au], with: klavier gavin [ou], *verse: crucible_rpg, crucible: *cycle 2, with: lara croft [ou], with: motoko kusanagi [ou], crucible: planetary part 5, with: lyle dylandy [ou], crucible: conspiracy theory, with: ishida ametatsu [au], with: lulu [ou], crucible: *public post, with: oliver day [ou]

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Interrogation is fine too, not that her answers will make sense fallen_cetra February 28 2009, 01:08:02 UTC
Knock knock, who's there? Nobody home.


bit_impossible February 28 2009, 01:21:50 UTC
[this one surprises him as he doesn't recognise her. he watches her curiously for a moment as she speaks.]

On the contrary, there's always someone home. They just might not be able to answer the door.


fallen_cetra February 28 2009, 01:29:53 UTC
Perhaps. Little lost children, far from home. All the little children, hiding in the dark. What are you searching for, Doctor? It's not where you're looking for it.


bit_impossible February 28 2009, 01:43:32 UTC
Answers. Everyone has answers and they're not giving them to me.

What do you mean by that?


fallen_cetra February 28 2009, 01:45:58 UTC
The answers that you're looking for, they aren't there, are they? Not there, not there. Gone. Or were they ever there at all.


bit_impossible February 28 2009, 01:53:44 UTC
Not out in the open.

Not yet.


fallen_cetra February 28 2009, 01:55:22 UTC
What are you looking for, Doctor? The way back is gone, the paths have been taken away. No way back but forward.


bit_impossible February 28 2009, 02:11:29 UTC
[he frowns now, growing a little agitated.]

Didn't you listen before? I don't appreciate having to repeat myself.


fallen_cetra February 28 2009, 02:23:07 UTC
Don't listen to the whispers in the night, they're full of lies.


bit_impossible February 28 2009, 02:32:10 UTC
No, they're not whispers. How can you say that about them? They're old friends come to visit again. It's so very rare when I get to meet them a second time.

They want the answers too. Perhaps if I can figure out who is pulling people here, I can get that person to pull my friends out of the dark too. Then I won't be alone again.


fallen_cetra February 28 2009, 02:36:36 UTC
[The stare she gives him is blank but strangely intense.] Round and round they go, where it leads, nobody knows. They're lead by the whispers in the night, will they run, or will they fight. Ghosts and shadows and visions all. The night haunts whisper in your mind, leaving strange visions behind.


bit_impossible February 28 2009, 02:53:23 UTC
[somehow, even that stare manages to unnerve him just a bit and he tears his gaze away.] Fine! They might be! But for now, they're real enough! You can't tell me you never wanted them to be real!


fallen_cetra February 28 2009, 03:23:04 UTC
All are ghosts and shadows in the place that I walk, but some should stay in the Lifestream where they belong.


bit_impossible February 28 2009, 03:32:39 UTC
Where you walk? Well, that makes a hell of a lot more sense. Perhaps you're one of my own 'ghosts'.

Funny though...I don't remember ever meeting you. I'm sure I'd remember what this Lifestream is too.

Care to tell me what that is, O Spirit?


fallen_cetra February 28 2009, 04:41:05 UTC
No, I walk the place between the living and the dead.

Lifestream, the soul of the Planet. Each living creature and plant that is born and dies is a part of it, on death their soul is returned to the Lifestream so that it might be passed on to create new life.

I had a name once. All lost, stolen from me...


bit_impossible February 28 2009, 05:10:46 UTC
[mutters to himself] Sounds a bit like the matrix...

[he eyes her suspiciously, then with great pity] So. You too...

No, no, no, that's too much of a coincidence. [he grabs his head, very confused by all of this] Plenty of people have lost their names and everything they ever knew. It's not a normal occurrence, but it happens.


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