θ 21

Feb 27, 2009 17:16

[night has fallen once again on Eos, and one man who has spent far too much time listening to voices in the dark depths of the forest has finally emerged from the tree-line. amazingly, he looks slightly more put together than he has in past days. his tie is straight, tightened snugly in place, and his shirt tails are tucked neatly into his suit. every physical detail about his normal state of dress is meticulously in order.

but if one were to shine a light on his face, they'd see that those kind, ancient eyes of his no longer shine with the same lustre. they dart about, watching the spectres in his vision encourage and beckon him out towards his shelter he'd abandoned days ago. quietly he slips in, and stuffs certain supplies he feels he needs into his pockets.

finally, he reaches for the sphere, turning it on. he gives his tie one last little adjustment, a mad grin growing on his face, and then leans in towards the device and whispers:]

I'm on to you.

[and he clicks it off soon after that, and wanders out of his shelter. he's got a busy night ahead.]

[ooc: Okay! So, the Doctor's completely off his rocker now and off to 'question' people. Like I said before, let me know in like the subject line of a comment to this if you'd like to participate in his more...intense questioning or not. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, this post has just about all the details, as well as my contact info.]

with: aerith gainsborough [au], with: klavier gavin [ou], *verse: crucible_rpg, crucible: *cycle 2, with: lara croft [ou], with: motoko kusanagi [ou], crucible: planetary part 5, with: lyle dylandy [ou], crucible: conspiracy theory, with: ishida ametatsu [au], with: lulu [ou], crucible: *public post, with: oliver day [ou]

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