the html didn't work and i DON'T CARE.
bisquikin's Halloween party:
brijess dressed as Monica Lewinsky.
cokldoodledandy dressed as Uhura from "Star Trek".
copthat dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Lazy-assed Beggar.
crazydrew356 dressed as a modern message.
december_orchid dressed as Wonder Woman.
findingthesun dressed as a can of Pepsi.
get__away dressed as the Marquis of Verduocere, and it suited them disturbingly well.
gigglesgrl dressed as Osama bin Laden, though it looked more like a pitcher for the Yankees.
hhfreak dressed as Elton John.
jesuispirate989 dressed as a grateful pixie.
kinky_vodka dressed as Kurt Cobain, and it suited them all too well.
l3mon_jelly dressed as Jessica Simpson, and it suited them disturbingly well.
leathersleeves dressed as a circumference.
lucid_wednesday dressed as the love child of Jim Carrey and Gabriella Sabitini.
maryfs624 dressed as the Governor of Oklahoma.
mchika99 dressed as William Henry Harrison.
mkw1289 dressed as a ferret.
monkey_molly dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Crusty Cootiebrain".
mooshu131 dressed as a firefighter.
passtheicecream dressed as your grandfather.
pbanjotterkick dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Council of the Goblet.
pblic_televsion didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
qandnotu937 dressed as Jennifer Lopez's aunt.
rockstar_rhythm dressed as Harry S Truman.
sunshinegirl16 dressed as a angel.
swizzle77 dressed as a devil.
yocanigetyosn54 dressed as a bottle of Pentoxyzac, though it looked more like the Governor of South Dakota.
Throw your own party at the
size="1px">Created with
halloween was mostly good...
school has gotten better as of today (all B'S!!!!)(and a 142 in lship)
yes, B's are that good right now.
this pic sums it all up.
from 8th grade to now, my costume perspective hasn't changed a bit.
h31L@ h0L1@ WHAT!!!11!!!1
Laura Danger Bradley Meagher
yes. @$$.