Oct 14, 2009 23:26
Dear MC,
Part of me honestly believed I no longer cared for you, no longer wanted the best things for you in life. The way we ended, the way I let myself be left, it was all a bit much. I convinced myself that I was capable of being normal, of detaching myself like it seems most people do. After all, if the person who never opens themselves up can't shut others out, who can?
I am not normal. Despite my yearnings to the contrary from time to time, I don't honestly think I have ever wanted to be normal, to experience life in the normal fashions. Its why I don't take pictures, its why I often don't say goodbye, its why I have a thousand stupid quirks that I do.
I heard somethings have gone badly for you as of late. I know you probably have a thousand friends that make more sense to talk to then me. I also know that while you always have a thousand friends, not many of those relationships run deep.
So I extend this hand to you once more. I know there is almost no chance that you will accept it and if you do, chances are it will only bring me pain in the long run, but nonetheless, I extend it. I don't do this because I am a great person (or really even a good person for that matter). It is because when those I care about are happy, I am happy. I do this because I believe I am still capable of love.
Love is not doing whats best for two people. Love is letting yourself care even when you are likely to be disappointed. If you have ever loved someone, V, you know what I am talking about.