The best movie of 2007.
And nobody even knows it.
These top ten lists that spring up whenever December gets ripped from your calendar are usually chock full of pretentiousness and inflated Academy recognition. It leaves us with a list of predictable "feel good" and inspirational movies. Movies that try to say something. Crash, Babel, Children of Men, etc.
But what about movies that are pure escapism -- their sole purpose to entertain. They seem to get shelved behind straight to DVD movies and never looked at again. Planet Terror is the best horror/homage flick I've seen. Not the best movie, mind you -- the best horror movie.
The thing that really puts my undies in a knot is the babe with a MACHINE GUN FOR A LEG. On what level does that not make you say awesome? It combines my two favorite things, guns and babes. And the fact that it happens to be on none other than Rose McGowan makes my heart palpitate. Who cares how it works? That she's obviously not pulling the trigger. Or how it magically switches from bullets to rockets. She has a MACHINE GUN FOR A LEG!
Dakota: Tony, if anyone comes up to the car, I want you to shoot them. Just like in your video games: shoot them in the head.
Tony: What if it's dad?
Dakota: Especially if it's your dad.
I think Robert Rodriguez has some of the best dialogue in his movies. "I'm gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge." Stupid, but hilarious when it's coming from a zombie. I don't know what it is, but the words, the delivery, coupled with the soundtrack -- all of it together, just sends shivers down my back.
Now that's entertainment. The main characters are brilliantly written, action heroes and horror icons. I fell in love with Marley Shelton's Dr. Dakota the moment she stepped out of her house. And Rose McGowan's stripper comedian-wannabe turned badass is one of the strongest femme fatale characters as of late.
It's a movie where you can throw yourself into the imaginary, where you don't have to care about the message, pushing reality out the window. I will admit it is overly gruesome and nobody needs to see a pair of melting balls. But you gotta respect it for what it is. I haven't had this much fun watching a movie since the Spiderman 3 bar/dance scene.
The only negative points I give Planet Terror is for Quentin Tarantino being in it.
El Wray: Go. Leave me.
Cherry Darling: I am not leaving you here like this. Motherfuckers around here eat road kill.
Recommendations for other movies please?