Season Three House Finale: "Human Error"

May 29, 2007 22:31

Not as bad as I'd feared-Lawrence Kaplow & Thomas Moran ("Detox") > David Shore ("No Reason," "One Day, One Room"), and the preview (thankfully) once again misrepresented the focus of the episode, and Wilson was there right away and kept coming back-but not that solid or climactic, either.

Let's talk Wilson.

1. So, once again, Wilson was ostensibly talking about Foreman but really talking about himself when he told House Foreman knows he's a decent guy and just needs to be told he's wanted. FOR GOD'S SAKE, HOUSE, TELL YOUR FRIEND YOU CARE. And stop hanging out with your fellows at a restaurant or your patient's husband (SMOKING a CIGAR like you did with WILSON in "All In") or your new guitar (when your old one was still in perfect condition) instead of with your freaking best friend who adores you.

2. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but Wilson had my favorite hair in the staff room scene as he leaned against that table in his yellow shirt-all short and flippy over his ears. Flippy! Like in House's doorway at the end of "Sex Kills." Yay.

3. What was up with Wilson's "hm, ye-e-esss" face when House said good tries aren't good enough? In an abstract way, certainly, he could have been nodding to himself as he once again came to terms with House's peculiar life philosophy. But I was kind of sure (in the way you can be "sure" about network TV suddenly going gay) Wilson was going to make some sort of move, then, grab House's arm on the way out or burst into his office in a fit of confidence, pizza-episode-style, declare his love (platonic or otherwise), and charm or guilt or strong-arm House into spending time with him.

4. Wilson in scrubs! Helping House diagnose, performing surgery and cracking colon jokes at the same time! No, seriously, the fact that Wilson can operate without getting reprimanded by his assistants and conduct intelligent medical conversation with House simultaneously says a lot about his intelligence and probably also why they're friends: Wilson's smarter than the show allows him to be most of the time, and House entertains him, keeps him on his toes.

And some other stuff:

5. So Cameron handed Foreman that going-away gift and I was all, "Here, Foreman, it's a copy of the journal you stole my article in" and then he opened it up and it totally was. Way to be vindictive and sincere all in one package, Cam.

5b. P.S. -- Your wrist-stroke when you resigned, however, was downright creepy.

6. Patient's accent: Y/N? I thought she was channeling Zelenka for a little while, there.

7. PPTH needs to spend less money on House's litigation and equipment damage and surgery crashing and more money on advanced imaging equipment so they can do non-invasive tests on their high-risk patients. MRA might have prevented the heart failure.

8. I find myself indifferent as to whether the fellows reunite in the fall, are completely replaced, or trickle back incompletely. Of all of them, I was saddest to see Chase go. He deserved more of a transition period than that. Poor guy and his parental rejection issues.

9. "Human Error." House said he's wrong all the time, which is the corollary to what he said in his hallucination last year about almost always being eventually right. But he seemed to have only been talking about his cases, rather than his life or his poor treatment of the people around him. He wouldn't admit to being wrong about letting Foreman go without a fight (almost). He wouldn't "un-fire" Chase. He wouldn't hang out with Wilson. He is wrong all the time, but he doesn't necessarily see it as it's happening, and he tends to breeze right over it afterwards. Which means it must be very important when he decides, or allows someone else (*cough Wilson*) to convince him, to change his behavior or apologize for something, like we saw when he finally told Foreman he didn't want him to go--too little, too late, like his decision to take Tritter's deal on Christmas--and also post-Tritter with The Apology in the jail cell (don't tell me we weren't supposed to be thinking of Tritter with the return of the Staff Room Peanut Butter Jar), or a couple of weeks ago with the apology in the pawn shop. Were we to take tonight's scene of House in the patient's room with the husband as House's brand of apology to the man for not caring about his wife, acknowledging his own human error?

Also: Yay Field of Dreams joke. Doubly fun coming on the heels of having read sheafrotherdon's SGA AU A Farm in Iowa today.

house: commentary: s3

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