Ramblings and randomness

Feb 26, 2007 22:43

Guys. I am so tired I feel drunk. I’ve never actually been drunk, but I imagine it’s like this. Babbly and languid.

So, random stuff:

It snowed overnight. Not as pretty as the Valentine’s Day ice storm, which coated all the trees around here so they glittered in the sun, but it was just the right sort of heavy wet snow that makes you long for ( Read more... )

work, fic recs: mi-5/spooks, hot hot photos

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roga February 27 2007, 04:15:59 UTC
1. I am so tired I feel drunk. I’ve never actually been drunk, but I imagine it’s like this. Babbly and languid.

Hee! You know hoe on your userinfo page you say you're like SBP Remus? That's who this sounds like :-) But I'm with you. I've slept approximately nine hours since Thursday night, and it's - Tuesday morning? - kinda lost track.

2. Wow. Katie Holmes looks hotter here than... I've ever seen her.

3. The closest thing I've seen to an all-male production was Michael Bourne's adaptation of Swan Lake. From the first row. It was the sexiest ballet I have ever seen, just... amazing. (And, apparently, it's possible to dance ballet in leather pants.)

4. You know about pwcorgigirl's House/MI-5 crossover, right?


catilinarian February 27 2007, 12:00:53 UTC
I'm so with you on Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake. I was up in the nosebleed seats, so I'm jealous.


roga February 27 2007, 19:18:24 UTC
I was sitting right above the orchestra, and I could smell the dancers' sweat. Heaven. :-)


bironic February 27 2007, 12:41:00 UTC
1. Hee, I'm happy to have sounded like Remus there. Yay for sleep deprivation. In the sense of not. Feeling better now?

2. Um, YES. With the hair and the jaw and the suit and the ring. I wasn't sure about posting those out of the blue, but other people seem to be drooling appropriately. :)

3. catilinarian and I were just talking about Matthew Bourne's "Swan Lake," how she loved it and how I'm jealous and waiting for it to come back around here. Thank you muchly for YouTube links! I never thought to look on there for clips. Pretty.

4. Yes, and it's on my to-read list, although... *small voice* it's gen, which I do like, but which puts it lower on the list than more of tigertrapped's story. *g*


roga February 27 2007, 19:31:11 UTC
1. Mildly. If there was ever a week for me to go back in time and do over and actually exercise self-discipline in how I managed my time, this would be it.

4. Totally understandable :-) It's multi-fandom ad VERY gen, and I only knew two fandoms from there, reading it because I'm a crossover junkie. I admit to skimming bits here and there.


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