Ramblings and randomness

Feb 26, 2007 22:43

Guys. I am so tired I feel drunk. I’ve never actually been drunk, but I imagine it’s like this. Babbly and languid.

So, random stuff:

It snowed overnight. Not as pretty as the Valentine’s Day ice storm, which coated all the trees around here so they glittered in the sun, but it was just the right sort of heavy wet snow that makes you long for snow days when you could stay home to build snowmen and slide down the hill on a makeshift sled and come inside for hot chocolate. I, uh, went to work instead.

We have a new IT manager who looks like a cross between Kyle MacLachlan and my college thesis advisor, a young-looking thirty- or forty-something with brown hair prematurely graying at the sides and a goatee consisting of a small moustache and little triangle of what my co-worker has charmingly termed “chin pubes” and these green eyes that he always complements with vests and sweaters of the same color. Also he is quite competent at his job, which is attractive in itself. And it turns out he’s a newbie Firefly fan, by way of Serenity; I’ve lent him my DVDs to round out his downloaded collection of episodes. He likes “Out of Gas” best so far. Good taste. We’ve chatted about sci fi and vampires too. I was all set to propose to him, when, alas, I was informed by my boss that he’s married (no ring, though, and yes, I glanced at his hand on his first day in the office, not because I’m desperate but because I liked him and wanted in my masochism to confirm the theory that all the good ones are married) with children -- one of whom is 18, so I guess that gray wasn’t premature after all.

Got a haircut over the weekend that I like very much. At just above the shoulder, it’s as short as it’s been since I first lopped ~12" of it off three years ago. Just a simple trim with a single layer near the bottom for easier maintenance, but what a difference: I can wear my hair down again, the curls are behaving themselves for a change, and it looks sufficiently snazzy for professional-type things I need to be doing soon. And my head feels lighter.

While I was waiting for my walk-in appointment, I flipped through the March issue of Harper’s Bazaar to ogle the pretties and found some mouth-dryingly gorgeous shots of Katie Holmes in menswear.

I don't know about you, but I think there's something extra hot about androgyny. Katie Holmes can apparently be added to the list of gorgeous women who can pull off dressing as men.

What else. Oh! Going to meet moonlash_cc and pun next month! Along with many other people I do not know. They graciously allowed me to invite myself along to a trip to an all-male performance of Twelfth Night at the BAM, which can’t possibly be anything but fun.

Hm. I always thought the first LJ-person I’d meet would be thewlisian_afer. Shall we make you next on the list?

Have been watching MI-5/Spooks over the past few weeks. Made it through all of Season Two, and will soon be starting on Season One. Yes, you read that right. Darn library only had the second season on the shelf when I showed up to borrow the first. In a fair world, frequent patrons would have greater borrowing privileges. Well anyway, I’m really enjoying it, particularly the guest appearance of my beloved Alexander Siddig and the armrest-gripping tension that comes when the operatives get into particularly sticky situations and Harry’s ridiculous sour lemon faces and some pretty good acting from Matthew Macfayden, who will always be Prince Hal to me. catilinarian recommended watching the first season in order starting with the pilot to maximize the wonder that is Hugh Laurie’s Jools Siviter, so I shall soon be following her expert advice.

What got me curious about MI-5 was the gorgeous, slashy, explicit, torture-ridden hurt/comfort spy!fic series “Tiger Trap” by tigertrapped, whom some of you may know from her pair of very dark Tritter-era House stories involving a taser gun; “Tiger Trap” is (very loosely) based on MI-5, with lots of OCs taking center stage, including the hero, Max. I’ve been meaning to mention it here since I got completely hooked a few weeks ago. This stuff is seriously good, people. If you like darker slash or epic adventures or young English men or spies or unconventional love stories, and especially if, like me, you enjoy your hurt/comfort with an extra dose of hurt and a generous helping of kinky and angsty sex, and heroes who bounce back again and again from unimaginable physical and mental pain, go take a look over there. And be sure to ask her to friend you so you can read the really juicy bits. I, er, definitely went straight to those first and have been skipping around the rest of the chapters ever since.

Oh, I guess I should warn that it's technically a work in progress? since new chapters are still being added. But it doesn't read like one; each section concludes cleanly enough that you could stop reading at any point and feel fulfilled.

Right. Somewhat delirious. Bedtime. Here's hoping for an improved rest of the week.

work, fic recs: mi-5/spooks, hot hot photos

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