Dear Festividder 2015!

Oct 18, 2015 08:50

Dear Festividder and anyone who might like to make a treat:

Imperial Radch trilogy (Ancillary Justice etc.)

I have grown to love these books so much I hardly know what to do with myself. It would be amazing to have a vid trailer for any part of the story. I'm brainstorming one myself, to be perfectly honest, and I'd also love to see what you dream up.

Like, who would you fancast as Justice of Toren, or Breq, or Seivarden, or Awn, or Mianaai, or…? Or would you forgo actresses to focus on the text, or space? Would you choose music One Esk were likely to love, or something space-opera dramatic or movie trailer-y, or something modern and pop? Would you do an overview tease or focus on Breq's journey or her love for and grief over Awn or the way her relationship with Seivarden reads like D/s or the nature of millennia-old multibodied AI consciousness or fractured identities or the social justice plots of Athoek or or or or?

Whatever you do, it's going to be a challenge, and I would be so grateful and delighted if you decided to tackle it.

Oh, and here are some of my book reactions under the ancillary justice tag.

The Lathe of Heaven (1980)

The video quality of the only DVDs I know of is crappy-poor contrast, lots of ghosting, ugh-but I just adore the concept of the film and its dark humor so much that I hope someone will brave the shoestring-budget visual flaws to make a vid. Because dream manipulation leading to reality manipulation! A megalomaniac psychiatrist/oneirologist doing more damage than a meek everyman! Exploration of the nature of reality and consciousness! (Was the nuclear apocalypse real and the whole story a dream while George lay dying? Does it matter?) Alien invasion! Antiquing! AND THEN THEY EAT LUNCH AT THE ALIEN HOT DOG STAND.

For the record, I also enjoy young Bruce Davison's face and the constantly rewritten relationship with Heather. Do you want to take this in the direction of the absurd? Or perhaps the creepy, focusing on Haber's unethical treatment of George? The way George is able to go with the flow as history and architecture and race and climate and status are upheaved around him? Anything you do would be swell.

A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia

Alexander Siddig. Ralph Fiennes. Eye sex. And political intrigue. But also eye sex.

Stranger by the Lake/L'Inconnu du Lac

A vid for this movie would be wonderful. It's so intense-the intertwining of sex and death (so French, ha); the attraction and repulsion Franck feels toward Michel; the tension between physical and emotional connection embodied by Michel and Henri, respectively; the questions about why Franck moves in on Michel and protects him and pursues him despite the clear danger. The visual focus on the setting and the male bodies. You really can't go wrong, whatever angle you want to take.

Queen Margot/Reine Margot

This movie has such beautiful, rich imagery that it just begs for vidding. The massacre; the court intrigue; the epic French romance; Anjou's face (and wig); Charlotte, who breaks my heart. The love story between La Mole and his enemy-brother Coconnas. A whirl of color and blood and passion and deviousness and intricate politics.

What Maisie Knew

Some critics seem to have enjoyed pointing out that the idea that divorces and custody battles can harm children isn't new. I say, so what? This is a story about particular characters, and that makes all the difference. Maisie is adorable and my heart hurts for her every time an adult in her life makes a poor choice. I love her face and her sweetness and her quiet observation of those around her. I love the family she builds, or that is built around her, with Margo and Lincoln. <3 Alexander Skarsgard. <3 And I love that there's a note of hope at the end of what seemed destined to spiral into tragedy.

Immortel: Ad Vitam

Thomas Kretschmann. Sigur Ros. A mysterious blue lady. A threesome with Horus. Assassin sharks in the plumbing. What a trippy, inventive and baffling movie. Anything you mold out of it will be hugged and exclaimed over.

Overall notes: I like celebrating shows and movies that make me happy, but just as much I like queering texts, whether it's pairing characters who aren't paired in canon or inverting themes or highlighting kink or drawing attention to minor characters or changing the tone or telling a different story using the same footage. I like joyful and I like dark and I like sexy.

Really hope you aren't looking for specific song recommendations, heh. Whatever you choose will be the right music. If you're at sea, though, last year's note has some stuff about preferences.

But! As I've said for everything above, of course, and as per Festivids tradition, feel free to make whatever vid appeals to you, regardless of whether I've asked for it. We've been matched because we both like something, so whatever you choose to do with that should be wonderful. Hopefully you have an idea you'd like to pursue.

Originally posted at, where there are


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