My entry for the
House Het Ficathon: Wilson/Julie, Julie/OMC (Oh God, who'd've thought?), and House/Wilson if you want it to be there. PG-13, 3,700 words.
Comments of all sorts welcome, including criticism.
In her head she has already begun numbering herself among his ex-wives. )
Comments 50
I always marvel at people who can present Julie in a human way. More often than not I think people are content to let her simply be a horrible excuse for a decent person rather than give her character depth and motives that aren't completely malevolent.
You've managed to make it clear that both parties were at fault here, without making either seem cruel or 'evil'.
Again, much love.
Thanks for writing! Very enjoyable!
I'll be linking this when I do tonight's house_news post, and reccing it in my journal.
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Thank you. I do think House hangs (well, hung) heavy over Wilson's marriage even after you account for the show being so House-centric, but at the same time I didn't want this to turn into a story about House and Wilson because it was, you know, a Wilson/Julie request for a het ficathon. But darn it if that pair doesn't sneak into everything.
Yay papers on Eliot! Wilson's allusion and House's response were actually the first lines I wrote for this fic, before I knew I'd be doing the "Burnt Norton"/"Waste Land" excerpts.
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I adore the contrast of Wilson's inability to name a turning point, and Julie's precise dating of the demise of the marriage. On the one hand, it demonstrates beautifully what is reinforced throughout the fic, that Wilson just isn't paying attention, that Julie really is not his primary concern. Yet on the other hand, you know that relationships aren't like that. That with hindsight one can name a turning point, but really something else could have happened to change the course of events ( ... )
Finding those lines in "Burnt Norton" was the bolt of inspiration behind the part about both of them looking back and seeing 'where things went wrong.' You're exactly right about the psychology there. I do think Julie is the sort of person who would latch onto an event or two and find a way to blame Wilson for ruining their relationship, while Wilson would look back at the whole marriage as vaguely doomed from the start.
I tried to depict the scenes in Wilson's office and House's apartment as they could have happened had they been included in "Skin Deep" and "Sex Kills." I'm very, very happy that you think they fit so well.
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