Vampire Diaries picspam!

Jul 05, 2012 19:08

*finishes season three* At long last! The throat-grab picspam.

Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV)
Pairings: Multi - details behind the cut
Rating/contents: PG/PG-13 for a mix of action-oriented/violent, erotic and/or nonconsensual images of hands on throats, headlocks, and hands pressed to mouths. A bloody pair of fangs or two.
Spoilers: I think ( Read more... )

kink bingo, vampires, hot hot photos, the vampire diaries

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Comments 9

fluffyfrolicker July 6 2012, 01:37:58 UTC
Sometimes I get sort of silly and occasionally like this show less (I am sometimes crazy) but then someone does something like this AND HOW COULD SOMEONE NOW LOVE THIS SHOW?

3 throat grabs per episode, you say? *applause* :D

Also, this seems like a lot of work. It is awesome.


bironic July 6 2012, 01:51:33 UTC
Hee. So glad you found and enjoyed these.

It was a labor of love to put together, for sure. :) Capping as I watched helped. I don't know that I'd have the patience to go back and try to find all those moments again otherwise.

but then someone does something like this AND HOW COULD SOMEONE NOT LOVE THIS SHOW?

And this doesn't even count all the "Let's chain Damon or Stefan to a chair!" scenes...!


fluffyfrolicker July 6 2012, 09:56:44 UTC

I will always love the whole Damon torturing Mason episode :D Be still my heart <3


x5vale July 6 2012, 08:44:41 UTC
I like this!

Love the show so much :)


bironic July 6 2012, 11:00:49 UTC
Thanks! I am quite fond of it too and wish more of my LJ friends were into it.


x5vale July 6 2012, 11:28:26 UTC
It's the same for me. I have some tVD fans on my flist, but basically they are into Supernatural, which is my first show.

Btw is the one in your icon Neil from Deads Poet Society?


bironic July 6 2012, 22:22:00 UTC
'Tis! A lot of my flist and I started in House fandom, often as Wilson/Robert Sean Leonard fans.


amnisias December 21 2012, 09:21:33 UTC
You posted this just before VVC, so I missed it - Thank God bironic you did a end of year round-up, otherwise this gloriousness would have passed me by completely!

And how glorious it is! They clearly are perfecting the Vampire Diaries One-Handed Throat Grab. Where us mere mortals need at least two hands to pull of a convincing strangulation, they manage to pin people to the wall a few inches above ground with one hand. Now THAT's a skill. Gotta love the show that is so unappologetically ridiculous...


bironic December 21 2012, 12:38:22 UTC
Agree! Was also pleased to discover that it took less than five minutes for another throat-grab to happen in this season's premiere, even if the general rate has fallen.


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