Vampire Diaries picspam!

Jul 05, 2012 19:08

*finishes season three* At long last! The throat-grab picspam.

Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV)
Pairings: Multi - details behind the cut
Rating/contents: PG/PG-13 for a mix of action-oriented/violent, erotic and/or nonconsensual images of hands on throats, headlocks, and hands pressed to mouths. A bloody pair of fangs or two.
Spoilers: I think only for seeing which characters interact with which, and sometimes an unexpected one is stronger? Screenshots taken from seasons two and three.
A/N: I don't remember where the tipping point was for me exactly, but once you notice that characters on this show get grabbed by the throat pretty often, you can't unsee it. I swear, we hit upwards of three throat-grabs per episode at the height of season two. So here you have it, a picspam conveying some of the ridiculousness/glory. For the "breathplay" square on my Bingo card.

Pairings: Alaric/Elena, Alaric/Rebecca, Alaric/student, Caroline/Mason, Damon/Alaric, Damon/Andie, Damon/boy warlock, Damon/Caroline, Damon/Elena, Damon/Elijah, Damon/Jeremy, Damon/Katherine, Damon/Rebecca, Damon/Rose, Damon/Sage, Damon/Stefan, Isabel/Katherine, Katherine/Bonnie, Katherine/Klaus, Katherine/Stefan, Klaus/Caroline, Klaus/Damon, Klaus/Elena, Klaus/girl, Klaus/Jamie, Klaus/Stefan, Klaus/Tyler, Mason/Elena, Sherriff Forbes/Elena, Stefan/Alaric, Stefan/Elena, Stefan/Tyler, Tomb ghost/Caroline, Tyler/Jeremy, Warlock/Bonnie









(Sorry for the stupid watermarks on some of those.)

Anyone's free to use or transform these if they're interested. Credit would be great if you do.

x-posted to vpd-icons, tvdicons and tvd_icons (why are there three TVD icon communities? why?)

kink bingo, vampires, hot hot photos, the vampire diaries

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