GFP: Gratuitous food post?

Oct 11, 2008 19:06

Food shopping day is my favorite day of the week. Afterwards, there's a surfeit of good things to eat.

I've been hankering to try an easy roast potatoes recipe I got from the back of an onion soup mix envelope. Tonight ended up being the night, since I've also been in the mood for some beef after many many weeks without any, and top sirloin was on sale, and what better pair than strips of beef with roast potatoes? Round it off with some asparagus, also on sale (ah, the life of a student), a touch of salt and lemon juice, and you get:

It's no roga photo, to be sure ( for instance), but still. Yum yum yum. The potatoes are so soft.

Dinner-wise, I've been getting by on one to two dishes a week. Cooking for one is nice that way. For the latter half of this week, after the beef's gone, I'm planning to try a recipe from my long-neglected Star Trek Cookbook: Scotty's Lemon Chicken. (The book also offers such classics as Cellular Peptide Cake with Mint Frosting, Gagh with Yamok Sauce, Romulan Ale, and Leonard Nimoy's Kasha Varnishkas [from his grandmother's "village in the Ukraine, which is a small town in Western Vulcan"].) I'm pretty sure I made the chicken once in high school and that it was good.

Hmph. The only downside is that now I have to do all the dishes. *eyes full sink sadly*

fooooood, life is good

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