
Mar 17, 2007 04:39

Funny how things go from brilliant to shite so quickly. Does it happen this way for most, or am I just especially lucky?

I'm beginning to miss the days where I threw myself into my work and stayed there. Having a so-called 'social life' isn't at all what it's cracked up to be. Perhaps a holiday isn't completely out of order.

I'm a teensy bit ( Read more... )

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Private to Ms Nymphadora Tonks subtle_simmer March 18 2007, 03:29:28 UTC
((ooc: According to hp_briglish and others, the abbreviation 'Ms' is very much an Americanism, and only used in Britain when one is trying to be derogatory and imply the woman wearing the title is either a slag or a lesbian. *wink*))

Oh, bravo, Ms Tonks. You have now officially surpassed the bar for both idiocy and cruelty in one very brief soliloquy. I am nearly without words to express my awe-struck incredulity.


You are, of course, free to offer yourself in any fashion you wish to any ruffian who cares to answer your delightfully phrased and wholly public advertisement, and suffer all related consequence of bodily injury, disease, and defamation of character which might result. Though, after a display such as this, really, what sort of character must you be assumed to possess?

You are NOT at liberty to wound Remus with your savage little digs any more than you already have done. Your cruelty, here, is truly unsurpassed. Your Auntie Bellatrix would be proud. Bravo. I applaud you ( ... )


Private to Mr Severus Shirtlifter birdwotcher March 18 2007, 06:23:04 UTC
[ooc: ooh, evil, he is!]I do try ( ... )


Private to Madame Nymphadora Slag subtle_simmer March 18 2007, 22:46:52 UTC
Very true. It would appear that Remus and I are among the few men who have not trod that well-beaten path. I am quite glad of the distinction.

Here you are quite incorrect, proving your own idiocy yet again. Pray tell - how did you manage to become an Auror? If we both discount that Remus possesses something you clearly do not - a forgiving spirit and a gentleness of emotion which makes him think well of even the most undeserving - your ability to hurt him extends to something far more literal.

Does it not occur to you that your Auntie Bellatrix is quite at-liberty? Do not imagine that she is ignorant to your relationship with Remus. Only Remus or Charlie Weasley could be assumed to be implied by your clumsy public innuendo.

Have you forgotten that Fenrir Greyback has never known the long-arm of the law?

Obviously you have no thought for Remus, for either his emotional nor physical well-being. Fortunately, he does not need any such consideration from you, as he has MEDrawing attention to Remus in this fashion immediately ( ... )


Private to Professor Bender birdwotcher March 19 2007, 06:24:47 UTC
Do you honestly think I could have written something like that and not been well-aware that I was opening myself up to being called a slag? Merlin, Snape, you're even more of an idiot than I thought if you thought that sorts of immature name-name calling was going to hurt my feelings.

Well, Snape, let's think. Remus and I haven't been together for a year. Before that, we were together for three, and no one knew that we hadn't been shagging, so for all intents and purposes, as far as anyone else is concerned, we were. Since then, it's been a year. I've been with other men who weren't Remus. Most recently, I was seen dancing with Bill, a well-known married man, and you, a well-known recluse with long hair who enjoys his privacy. So if anyone were thought to be gay, you have much, much more of a possibility of being that person than Remus ever does ( ... )


Private to Nymphadora of the Evening subtle_simmer March 19 2007, 17:45:20 UTC
Of course. And 'shirtlifter' or 'Professor Bender' is oh-so-mature.

Did you fail to read the Prophet article regarding the Anniversary festivities, child? Or is current-event literacy one of the things the Ministry discourages its Aurors to command? It would, admittedly, be easier to bend the Aurors to their way of thinking if they are forbidden to think for themselves. This would explain much.

So. I will explain, and attempt to use small words and logical steps so that even you might comprehend the severe damage you have now done.

The Prophet linked you and Remus together, not only recently, but also several times in the immediate aftermath of the war. We are a very small community - people do not quickly forget such things. Charlie Weasley is in Romania, Remus is here. You were at the ball, dressed like a whore and clearly on the make. Of your 'dance partners', only one would be considered a likely candidate for this public, emotional outburst ( ... )


Private to Snape birdwotcher March 19 2007, 20:56:32 UTC
Let's make one thing clear, Snape. If Remus is 'outted', it's because of his own doing or yours, not mine. I've seen a dozen men in the past few months, many of which I'm still friends with. If Remus feels there's anything to be wary of after I mentioned having seen a gay man lately, then he is more than welcome to have a friendly night out with me to blow off any suspicion. You seem to think I had every intention of getting back together with him when I wanted nothing but a chance to catch up. I've no intention of ever going back to that wreck of a relationship, so you can sleep a little easier knowing some two-bit whore isn't after your security blanket.

Your paranoia is getting the better of you in your old age. If Bellatrix makes that gigantic intelluctual leap, then there was no hiding it from her in the first place ( ... )


Private to Nymphadora subtle_simmer March 20 2007, 00:07:15 UTC
No, girl, if he is 'outed', it is because of your doing, here in this entry, and any attempt to try to argue otherwise is just your own effort at self-deception so you do not have to feel guilty for what you have done.

Clearly Bellatrix inherited most of the familial intelligence. For your sake, you might hope she also inherited most of the family propensity for mental-illness.

Truly, you are the most pathetic creature I have ever encountered. Do you really think I would believe a word of any of that? You do not know me, you have no idea what I am capable of. Nor do you have any idea how Remus and I came to be together. This paltry device simply shows the depth of your own desperation.

You have my pity, child.

~Severus Snape
Still Remus' Man


Private to Snape birdwotcher March 20 2007, 04:58:56 UTC
That's the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it?

I don't want your pity. What I want is for you to leave me alone, you rotten bastard.


Private to Nymphadora subtle_simmer March 20 2007, 05:41:46 UTC
Then leave Remus alone, and I will gladly comply.


Private to Snape birdwotcher March 20 2007, 07:01:46 UTC
When, why, and how often I speak with Remus is none of your concern.


Private to Nymphadora subtle_simmer March 20 2007, 09:31:33 UTC
Oh, really?

After all this discussion, you still wish to make that assertion?

Let us consider logically, for a moment, shall we? I will assist you, since logic is clearly not your forte.

If you were so fortunate as to find the one person with whom you wished to spend your life, how inclined would you be, to voluntarily spend time with anyone who was going to deride your choice or be insulting to the person whom you have chosen?

Switch perspective - how hurt might you feel if your chosen partner continued to maintain a friendship with someone whom you knew was actively opposed, not only to your relationship, but to you, personally ( ... )


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