I have a serious problem.
I am completely addicted to Flickr.
For those of you who don't know what Flickr is, it is a website that you can upload your pictures to. It is also a place where people who take artistic photos post, and you can look at their work and comment, as well as them in turn doing the same to you. There are also groups you can join with similar themes to what a particular pic might be. There is Flickr email, where others on Flickr can contact you about any sort of thing. In short, it is basically like Facebook but for photographers.
Not many of you who read this blog have known me all that long, so let me give you a bit of back history on myself. From high school into college, I was OBSESSED with taking pictures. I have two friends who also have the bug, and in the early 2000's we all got awesome, fancy cameras. We have done countless photo shoots, practicing technique on each other. the best part was heading over to Wal-Mart after the one-hour processing and seeing what the results were (as all the cameras are film).
I love it. I love everything about it. And the funny thing is, I am not incredibly knowledgeable, as far as photographers go. Of course I know the basics, but there is an endless ocean of technique and ways to play with light, focus, color, you name it, and I am always finding out more.
In South Africa I didn't take many pictures, as film was incredibly expensive to develop over there. Since I have been back the creative beast has slowly arisen, the passion and excitement finally coming out in full force this past spring after the long hibernation. And then a lovely photographer friend, who is also pretty addicted, introduced me to Flickr. Some days I could kick him (I'll explain in a moment), but most days I just want to scream THANK YOU!!
I have met some incredibly cool people, have enjoyed taking more pictures, and the best part is the inspiration. There is always someone better than you- often times a LOT better! And it is wonderful to see what people do, how their creativity expresses itself. Flickr feeds my soul.
The problem? I am on it CONSTANTLY. I haven't finished my outline for my editor, due earlier this week. I get in bed to sleep at 11 and next thing I know it is 2:30 am. And using a film camera is expensive, especially for this starving writer. If I could finish the book I could get paid, but I can't seem to finish the book because I am on Flickr too much! Hence the occasional urge to kick something...
But, despite the sucking of time, I can honestly say it is my favorite place to be these days.
If you want to see the products of my obsessions, here you go: