Three Things Make a (Long) Post

Apr 17, 2010 01:28

1.  I spoke to one of the members of my committee today, so now I have NO excuse not to get these revisions done and get the stupid prospectus in.  This whole saga has been dragging on for far too long.  The meeting really threw me off kilter, though.  This is the member of my committee who is usually the most excited about my project and the most helpful.  Her reactions on this round of drafts have been tepid at best.  I'm hoping that it's just a function of the fact that it's her tenure-review year, she's recently had pneumonia, and the semester is getting to that crazy point where everyone is trying to cram things in at the last minute.  I don't know, but it upset me so much that I came back home, read a bunch of slash on the internet and went to bed.  I didn't get up again until 9pm, but about 11 I went out to Denny's for lunch/dinner/whatever and in addition to my friend who works there, D, three of my other friends that I hadn't seen in a while popped up.  Just talking with them and laughing and gossiping and whatever brought me out of my funk.  I'm also invited to a combined bday party tomorrow for D and one of our other friends.  Woot!  Now I have a reward to work toward tomorrow.  If I can get sufficient progress made on the revisions, I can go to the party......

2.  We've just started the hiring rounds for GROUPS.  I'm really disappointed in the crop of applications this year.  With everyone freaking the hell out about whether the department can give us anything in the fall, you'd think people would be lining up for a summer position like GROUPS that promises work for 3 summers.  *shrugs*  Ah well.  Interviews start Monday and I've got virtually everyone in their preferred time slot.  I'm looking forward to the interviews.  They are pretty casual, and it will be fun to get to know the applicants I haven't really talked to.

3.  I got the best bday package in the mail from the ever-lovely janinwonderland   It was AMAZING!!!  The woman knows me. 
I absolutely CRACKED UP at the card.  She had modified a store-bought card, and...well, just have a look.

This the front of the card:

and the inside:

and now, the modification:

Pretty damn perfect, no? 
Can I just tell you how freaking HAPPY it made me that she thought of that and took the time to doctor the card?  I love it!

This is almost the rest of the package.  The Longing is a CD that janinwonderland 's band recorded.  There was another CD in the package too, but it's in my car's CD player.

Happy Birdie

birthday, friends, groups, mr. rickman, school

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