AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE MONEYPENNY DIARIES! I know we've already talked about them but can I tell you AGAIN how amazing they are?! BECAUSE THEY ARE AMAZING. I think I shall start re-reading them today... I've been dying to put together a Moneypenny fanmix ;)
wooooohoooooo! *happy dance* I've read the first one, but then I got interrupted by stupid life. Tomorrow, though, I'm sooo looking forward to some James/Penny dialogue :)
O_o if you want help with the fanmix, let me know!
I love those books so much, and I haven't read them in aaaaaaaages. I, too, am looking forward to some James/Penny dialogue ♥ And I cannot WAIT to hear your opinion of the last one!!!
I'd absolutely LOVE some help with the mix! I have a few songs already, which I will PM to you right now :D
*happy dance*
I've read the first one, but then I got interrupted by stupid life. Tomorrow, though, I'm sooo looking forward to some James/Penny dialogue :)
O_o if you want help with the fanmix, let me know!
I'd absolutely LOVE some help with the mix! I have a few songs already, which I will PM to you right now :D
I just finished up Brideshead
So I'm going to pick up Secret Servant and I will definitely keep the mix in mind!
Yay, thanks so much!
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