31 Days of Halloween, October 5

Oct 05, 2009 21:26

Today I baked a Honey Cake.  It's a cake for Rosh Hashanah, but the honey, almonds, and coffee work equally well for fall in general.  The recipe is here.  They suggest serving it with homemade applesauce, but I'm wondering if I can find pumpkin butter anywhere....*smacks lips*

It looks absolutely wonderful and smells delicious!
It's not even quite cooled off yet, so I haven't topped it with almonds, but I will.

Most of my ingredients (including the almonds that I toasted yesterday), along with the recipe.  I'm utterly paranoid about not having something important, as I'm sure you noticed if you read my last Hallowe'en post :)

The dry ingredients mixed together.  I was going to take a pic of the batter itself, but the color would NOT have come out well in a photo.

The (mostly) finished product.  I still need to cool it down a bit before I can turn it out onto a pan and put toasted almonds on it. 
Also, note my totally adorkable Hallowe'en tea towel.  I love that little ghostie.

Finally, on rather a different note, my favorite on-screen witch, Dame Maggie Smith, released an article today discussing her recent battle with breast cancer.  She was undergoing chemotheraphy throughout the filming of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.  The prognosis is positive and I hope she will remain with us for MANY more years.  The picture on the right is Maggie Smith in 1978 during the filming of Neil Simon's hilarious parody Murder by Death in which he sends up all the great detective characters of the early 20th century.  Dame Maggie plays Dora Charleston--a parody of Nora Charles--along side David Niven as Dick Charleston (Nick Charles).  If you haven't seen this movie, I HIGHLY recommend it.
I'm currently trying to get my hands on The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, which was one of Maggie Smith's break through roles.

dare, halloween, movies, food

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