Win early, copy good plays, look on the bright side

Feb 15, 2007 22:05

Early success is less opposition? Military planners are starting their surge in Baghdad neighborhoods least likely to offer significant resistance. Of course once these areas were exhausted, violence would increase. By that time, maybe, media interest in the surge will have waned leaving the impression that the surge was effective.

Taking a page from Bush's playbook? PM Tony Blair announced that losing a battle in the High Court over nuclear power plants "won't affect the policy at all". Despite agreeing to "The fullest [public] consultation" before seeking to build additional nuclear power plants, the Blair government instead issued a report (The Energy Challenge, July 2006) which said "new nuclear power stations would make a significant contribution to meeting our energy policy goals". The report failed, according to the court to give enough information about radioactive waste disposal and the costs involved. The court went on to say elements of the 2006 Energy Review were "seriously flawed", and "not merely inadequate but also misleading".

Global warming is bad, isn't it? Global warming is melting artic ice, which is, in turn, widening shipping passages in the Northwest passage. All this could open the passage as a full-time shipping lane in the very near future. Now, if the International Maritime Organization (the maritime branch of the UN) had control of the passage, instead of say, Canada, that would make it much easier for the US or the EU to utilize this water route. This route would make a link between Europe and Asia 9,000 miles shorter than the present one which uses the Panama Canal. It's nice to know that global warming can bring nations together.

Finally, Bush has ordered 17,500 additional U.S. troops sent into Baghdad. Does it bother anyone else that men and women, or even army personnel has been replaced by the ubiquitous troops? Collateral damage has replaced civilian casualties. Surge has replaced escalation. War is peace; freedom is slavery, and troops have nothing to do with living people or so the government would like us to believe.

bush, global warming, politics

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