Feb 27, 2011 19:10
I'm doing well. Very well! I'm learning to enjoy the little things, like that I can now get out of bed before noon or that I manage to get dressed every day. I currently take 600mg lithium, 1,000mg Depakote, 150mg Seroquel, and several vitamins a day. I'm stable and feeling like I can handle my husband's upcoming deployment. The Seroquel helps me with my insomnia as well, so things are peachy...
...except a little weight gain. It's just 10 pounds, since I've started the Seroquel. It's not a huge amount (surely nothing compared to Zyprexa) but, as I'm currently in outpatient treatment for an eating disorder, it's still stressful. I noticed that Seroquel has weight gain as a listed side effect, but so does almost every other medicine so I thought I'd ask you all: has anyone here experienced weight gain with Seroquel? Was it a noticeable amount? Did it level off after a while? I was underweight and am now just in the "healthy" range, and I'm okay with that for now but I really don't know how well I can handle much more right now.
Thanks in advance!
weight gain,