Feb 27, 2011 09:39
I was curious if there's anyone here from the Sacramento area in CA. The NAMI Walk is coming up April 30, and in case anyone was interested, my support group is forming a team and it's pretty much open to those who'd like to walk with a group. It's not exclusive, so message me if there are interested parties :]
Along the community vein.... I want to know when/if the tradeoffs ever end and the REAL stabilization begins. My lithium levels were waaay low for over a month and through that month I was cycling (ultra rapid cycler here) and feeling agitated and rageful and slept a lot, then was feeling like the world was as easy as a 100 piece puzzle of a kitten and I had it all figured out and sleeping beautifully and was the funniest person alive, then back to fleeting suicidal and racing thoughts and feeling down. Day by day by day.
Got lithium raised.
Immediately I felt a lot more centered. Then the (hand) tremors started. I've had tremors before, but they've gotten to the point of almost shaking. It's intermittent so it's ~tolerable. Then, over the course of a week, I've taken on 3 leadership responsibilities and signed up for 2 volunteer things and have to keep stopping myself from creating a meetup.com site and I'm just ON IT with jokes and I'm doing ok on slightly reduced sleep, and again, the world feels easy again.
Got lithium levels checked. I'm within range.
I can't psychologically tolerate changing meds or adding meds right now. The lithium "fiasco" had me in a mental bind as it was. I'm in an IOP program for an eating disorder as well and so have to be careful about meds that mess with weight or have an adverse effect on me mentally and cause depression or hypo/mania and fucks with my eating. The lithium itself has already caused weight gain that it keeping me from being able to graduate from my ED program because I have such a hangup about it...it's just how the beast is.
There's no real question here. Definitely just need to get shit off my chest. Open forum in the comments, anyone? Got something you want to talk about?