i am getting really pissed off.
i went on medical disability leave from work in September, and since i have gotten about 80% back to my "normal" self, i contacted them about coming back to work.... a week before xmas.
i havent heard a word back. not even a "we're thinking about it" email.
are they trying to lay me off????????
if so, i wish they would just tell me already so i can find a new job STAT.
not that there ARE any jobs around here.... but still.
oh and i have filed for SS benefits. i dont know if i will get them or not, but i know Bipolar is automatically disabling - it's how much money i made last year that might screw me..... even if i only get a little money and work part-time, it would be better than nothing, right?
should i just go ahead and start applying for whatever jobs i find i could do just in case they ARE laying me off?
i HATE the fact that they are stringing me along like this.
xposted to personal journal and