Dec 04, 2008 08:09
I wonder if denial is a big part of bipolar disorder.
I spend all my time it seems running from my diagnosis and trying to pull up magical examples of how I couldn't possibly be bipolar.
Mania - me never. Everyone has periods where they can't sleep for weeks - that's totally normal. pshh.
everytime I decide that I know more than the doctors, because they obviously have it wrong , and quit my meds I end up a mess.
Too much caffiene and extended work schedules rob me of even more rest.
I wonder sometimes why I go around and around with this, why can't I just swallow my pills like a good girl.
I think the side effects add to the noncompliance.
It's like i'm destined to keep batting my head against the same wall and wait for a change in results that isn't going to come.