another rainy day in maine

May 03, 2006 08:08

Well, another rainy day in maine. but then again would i change it all and move again? fuck no. i love it here more then anywhere else i've lived. mostly because i've been other places and they all suck. I get out at 10:20 am every day from school here, got a job you know all the essentials. why would i bother hoping that that grass is greener when i know it;s not. and i relaly have no idea where that came from really.
I digress, soon the rain will stop and the trees will start to grow leaves again. flowers will bloom and my grass will regain that plushness it gets in the early parts oif summer. my doggie pomi, this lil shit i adopted, loves being out in the yard. I mean he's adorabale and i love him don't get me wrong, just sometimes he doesn't listen or he pisses on the floor cuz he doesn't want to go outside. whenever it rains he hates to go out because i dunno, he's a wuss. i'm just waiting for the sun to come out because instead of trying to wash him inside and be nice i'm gonna put him in a tub outside. last time i tried to wash him inside, i got more water on me then he did.
Today is going to be awesome, when jeff gets out of school, it's going to be him and i time for once. i can't wait. i have no idea what were doing because of course it's icky out. i think were going out to eat and then maybe looking at tuxes? he's going to prom with me so he's going to need to get one sooner or later. it's going to be hilarious when i see him in it though, cuz jeff's just not the tux type. I'm thinking all black with either a hot pink or silver tie. either way it'll be hot.
Pretty sure this morning i almost died... and then of course laughed about it. Me and ash were on our way to school and i was driving. I absently looked off to the side for something, i ahve no idea what and then i hear ash scream break at the top of her lungs. I without even looking freaked and slam on my breaks. my jeep slid into the other lane (luckily there were no on coming cars) then back around in our lane (luckily there was no one behind us) we both paused and then started laughing.  the women i almost rear ending had no idea either, she kept on driving like it never happened. i dunno it would of been bad if i had crashed but you know it was still effin hilarious.
So now my typing is just making it look like i'm working but sh, my teacher doesn't know that and he never will muwaahahahah but then again it's cause i am a ninja! just needs seven  more words! *dramatic pose*
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