Jan 13, 2007 19:59
Hmm... things are a little odd at the moment...
Being home is quite nice, I don't miss my family anymore... Which is a plus.. But now I miss my friends!! I can't wait to go and visit them again... bring on having more money! lol
I've been avidly applying for jobs... I've had three interviews - turned down a second interview for one, tis in Crewe, but it's a bit far to get to. Had a second interview for one of the others(last monday) should hear bk by Wednesday this week. Also had an interview yesterday, tis temping but will prob go perm, and I'll hear back about that Monday, so fingers crossed kiddies, you might get a visit from Aunty Carlee when she's got a bit of spare dollar! :)
You know when odd things happen? well, that happened t'other day! haha... I logged into my old MSN coz I needed to add someone that i've not talked to in a while on my new MSN (I say new, i've had it about two years!) LOL, so yeah, I thought "why the hell not, lets add all of my old contacts" :) and that was it.
Next night, got thinking about some of my old friends, some more than others, and strangely the day after, I came online, checked my emails and i'd had an email off a really good old friend... who I guess I kinda missed a bit, he's sound as a pound and we chatted loads back in'day. He went for ages. now he's back, tis bizarre, but cool too in a way! That made me smile yesterday anyways... :)
Not much else to report currently... I've started working out again.. I'm going to Belly Dancing on Thursday, i'm quite excited about that!! :D hmm.. I'm going back Salsa as soon as I can find a decent class.
Hmm... I want an N64, I had a real urge to play last night... i'm a fucking cool kid I tell thee.
Fer now, that is all.
Smell ya later kiddies....