"Введение в эволюционную информатику" - возражения и вопросы к книге

Jul 13, 2022 11:57

Тезис: Моделей так наз. дарвиновской эволюции не существует и не может существовать. Де-факто многочисленные предлагаемые модели являются моделями искусственного отбора, а не ненаправленного эволюционного процесса.

Top Ten Questions and Objections to ‘Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics’ - Robert J. Marks II - June 12, 2017
Excerpt: “There exists no model successfully describing undirected Darwinian evolution. Hard sciences are built on foundations of mathematics or definitive simulations. Examples include electromagnetics, Newtonian mechanics, geophysics, relativity, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, optics, and many areas in biology. Those hoping to establish Darwinian evolution as a hard science with a model have either failed or inadvertently cheated. These models contain guidance mechanisms to land the airplane squarely on the target runway despite stochastic wind gusts. Not only can the guiding assistance be specifically identified in each proposed evolution model, its contribution to the success can be measured, in bits, as active information.,,,”,,, “there exists no model successfully describing undirected Darwinian evolution. According to our current understanding, there never will be.,,,”
Robert Jackson Marks II is an American electrical engineer. His contributions include the Zhao-Atlas-Marks (ZAM) time-frequency distribution in the field of signal processing,[1] the Cheung-Marks theorem[2] in Shannon sampling theory and the Papoulis-Marks-Cheung (PMC) approach in multidimensional sampling.[3] He was instrumental in the defining of the field of computational intelligence and co-edited the first book using computational intelligence in the title.[4][5]
- per wikipedia

В основном, конечно, я согласен с авторами. Правда, я считаю, что модель дарвиновской эволюции всё же существует, а именно: случайное блуждание по параметрическому пространству без оценивания качества.

эволюция, эволюционные алгоритмы, дарвинизм, активная информация, биоинформатика, литература

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