Can I just say, that while my title can be a funny joke if used occasionally, it’s not that funny when multiple people ask you. I’m just saying. I don’t know if I realized how negative my last post was until I got those nice replies from people. Thanks for being nice. I appreciated those comments, as I don’t think even I realized how frustrated I was by everything until I wrote it all out.
Well we have moved all of our furniture and stuff into our new condo and we have also found a sublet for our apartment so we’ll only be taking a financial hit of about 10% of the rent over the next three months. I cannot tell you what a great relief that is. So I do have some good news from the past few days. The other good news is that the new condo is really really nice and I do love it a lot. I think it will look awesome when we get everything unpacked and decorated. That being said, I’ve had a few crappy days and not even so much because of the move. James gave me the cold he had over a week ago just in time for us to move. And, as in the case when we pass each other our colds, I got it worse than he did. I have spent the last few days incredibly stuffed up and miserable. I finally feel much better today although my voice is still apparently off on sick days. Or, as one of my co-workers so kindly put it, I sound like Bob Dylan at times. I’m also supposed to give a presentation to the lab tomorrow so we’ll see how that goes.
The move itself went well but I just wasn’t able to do nearly as much as I had planned to so the unpacking is going a lot slower that anticipated, even though I spent all day Monday and Wednesday at home. Hopefully we’ll get a big chunk done this weekend. Oh, and if anybody knows where I can get short curtains I’d be grateful if you could pass that info along. Apparently no one is able to purchase curtains for windows less that 84’’. Which is ridiculous since tons of people have windows that are considerably smaller than that and not everybody uses blinds. *Glares in the directions of the shops* Right now we’re using towels as curtains in our bedroom and while they’re actually working quite well, I would like to get real curtains sometime soon.