I’m writing this at work. It’s 7:45 as I begin to type this, and I have yet to receive my first phone call of the day! It’s a bit disconcerting, so call me. No seriously, it’s probably a good thing, as I’m not sure I’m really awake.
Last night, I went to Bible Study with the Singles Sunday School class at Bethel Baptist, the church across the street from where I live. It was nice, and I was surprised-we were done and back home by 9:00, actually a few minutes before 9:00.
My cell phone started acting weird last night. Martine and I kept having to call each other back, because both of us kept dropping the call. I guess the weather might have a part to play in it. I don’t know if the Tropical Storm would be affecting it, but I’m certain the cell companies would use that as an excuse. At any rate, we are getting together later today to have lunch, which will be a lot of fun!
We were talking about baby names, and I
learned that Martine isn’t her first name. That’s actually Michaela, which I really like, because it’s unusual. She said you pronounced it like Michael with an a on the end, not like Makayla.
It was nice yet humid yesterday afternoon. Rox and I took two bags of trash out and then we spent 5 minutes working on “go to the swing”. Eventually, she got there, and so I was swinging and talking on the phone when my ride came for Bible Study…now, that was a nice way to unwind from work.
Sunday night, after church, we went to Dairy Queen. I got a chocolate Sundae, and reminded myself why I don’t like to eat ice cream in public. Luckily, I was with friends, and they were good about telling me when I did drop the chocolate on my shirt. I wasn’t the only one…Theresa got Ketchup on her shirt, and I think Angela had mustard. I think Tom was the only one who didn’t have something on his shirt.
Orchestra was a lot of fun Sunday night. It just all clicked, and I was feeling really good about playing. It’s nights like that when I know I’m doing the right thing-it’s a real worshipful experience, sort of like when I sang on the Praise team in college at PBC.
Sunday morning was a different story. I think we were all feeling the effects from not practicing Wednesday night. I still haven’t figured out how I did it, but I managed to peal some skin off my lip while playing Sunday morning. That made for some really good feelings while I ate lunch.
One of the guys we contacted came to Sunday School Sunday morning. That was cool. I didn’t really get to introduce myself to him because Angela also came to our class. She likes our class better than the younger singles class, and I think she really will do well with us. We welcomed her, and she sat with me on the back row.
Sunday was homecoming at London Baptist Church-that’s the church where I was baptized. Grandma still goes there. I had toyed with the idea of going home so I could be there for her, but I couldn’t arrange it.
I’m glad now that I didn’t go, although I’m torn at the same time. I know that sounds strange, but it’s just how I feel, so weird emotions and all…as they say, that’s how the cookie crumbles. I missed having Mrs. Lois’s dumplin’s, but as I write this, it occurs to me I forgot to even ask Mom if she brought any.
It’s good, though, because Grandma got to have some time with the twins! Mom told me that she was holding Jackson, and reading to him. Alexander apparently got jealous and tried to get Jackson out of the way, so I think they got a picture of Grandma with both boys each with his own book. Sounds like a really adorable picture to me!
Mom said Jackson wasn’t really feeling good, and he fell asleep in her arms while they were at church. To me, that’s one of the most special times, not because the baby is sick, but because you can snuggle it while it sleeps in your arms. I love to hold the boys when they are sleeping, but I know it’s important, too, to let them sleep in their beds-so they don’t get spoiled and used to it.
Mom said the pool was fixed at Grandma’s, too. That means if I can go home for the Fourth of July, I can get in a decent tan! Watch it, sister, I’m going to get darker than you!
Saturday, I caught up on laundry and such things. It was kind of a blah day, but by the time night came, I was thankful for that. Tim called, and we talked for a few minutes. He told me a story about the three bears to make me laugh, and it did the job quite well.
Well, I better get finished with this before it turns in to a novel. I really do need to get better about posting updates. It’s now 8:05, and I just got my first phone. I guess it’s going to be one of those days.
I leave you with this blurb from an e-mail newsletter I got. I’d love to be a Millionaire and bid on this concert by the Apologetix, but I just can’t do it. They are a really cool group, though!
Bid on Ebay for an ApologetiX Concert
June 13, 2006, 1:19 am EDT
You can bid on eBay to have ApologetiX come to your church on July 29, 2006!
The auction closes on June 19th.
place your bid online now.
You've wanted ApologetiX to come to your church but you didn't think you could ever make it happen? Or we never come close enough?
We have been booking the summer and we decided to award one prime Saturday date in the middle of summer to the church that is the most excited about having
us. We hope they'll promote the dickens out of the event and get hundreds of folks to come out.
Although we can only play about 150 shows, we have already received 477 invitations for 2006. We're going to go everywhere we can, but we won't be able
to honor every invitation. So, we've decided to let a good old-fashioned auction help us pick the most enthusiastic group.
This is open to absolutely anyone, even radio stations, churches, or individuals who want to finance a free or even ticketed concert. Pray about it, talk
to the powers that be, and get your bid in! See you in July!
*** Fine Print ***
With eBay, you can put in the maximum you're willing to bid on something, and if you win, you'll only be responsible for what it takes to beat the next
guy. For example, the current bid might be at $4, and you can say "I'll go as high as $20" If one other person bids $8, you would still win, and your bid
would be $9.
So, feel free to bid as high as you're willing to go and if it only takes $100 to win it, that's all you're on the hook for :) As soon as you win an auction
on eBay, the money is automatically transferred.
We're also going to book the Friday before and the Sunday after, a couple hours away at least.
As promoter, you'll need to take care of lodging at your expense (outside of the eBay bid) with five rooms at a local Best Western.
If you're within 400 miles of Pittsburgh, PA, we'll most likely bring full production, and take care of sound, lights and everything. We'll only need access
to a certain kind of 220V receptacle that you can get at Home Depot for $10 and have the church handy man install.
If you're more than 400 miles from Pittsburgh, you may have to provide sound to support a five-piece rock band, especially if it's outside, or too far to
drive. If we have to fly, we'll need help with ground transportation to and from the airport.
You're the promoter, so that's your main responsibility. And it's not usually easy, but many of our shows are promoted by first timers. You'll be fine.
We can help out with some graphics, a radio ad, and a few other things, but it's up to you as to what advertising you want to do. We'll advertise the event
heavily to our fan club (as we're doing right now ;) and we'll guide you every step of the way.
We can talk about that. Sometimes the immense additional complexity is worth it. ;)
Those are the main things -- we have a "manual" on what to do, and we'll give that to the winner, as we give it to everyone who promotes an ApologetiX concert.
The most important thing is to get your bid in, and watch it!
The auction closes on June 19th.
Here's the link to bid:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=9530588256&ssPageName=ADME:B:EF:US:1 God bless!