I'm putting most of this entry behind cuts so that it won't crowd your friends' pages too much. I hope they are descriptive enough.
On Tuesday, I made Sloppy Joe's. Rachel came over, and we had a good time hanging out. I thought of Kelli and Lacey, though, because we also made milk shakes and drank them from yellow cups. We talked, and it was just a good time. I'll be taking sloppy joe's to school for lunch.
I had gotten the recipe from the cookbook program Glenn and Elizabeth gave me for Christmas. It called for celery, but I left that out because of how much it costs at the grocery store. All in all, though, it's not hard, and fairly easy to make.
On Thurs., we got our Laptops that we are leasing at school. I thought that I lived close enough to the school to get on the network, but apparently I don't. I am going to have a hard time getting used to this laptop keyboard. I've never seen one set this way. Instead of the insert, delete, page up, page down, end, and home keys being arranged in a "Six-pack", they are in a row. I don't know if that's a Gateway thing, or a Tablet PC thing. I won't be able to use the pen that came with the computer, but the technology is really neat, and I can probably do some neat things in Anatomy or Math next year.
Friday was fun, and nerve racking all at the same time. We got out early, and that was nice...then, I went to the base ball game between Georgiana and Gochen. It was nice, and our team played well. The game went in to overtime, and Georgiana won by 1 run!
Mom came over on Saturday and picked me up on her way to Greenville. We ate Sloppy Joe's for lunch, and then went shopping. Normally, I don't find much at Goodies, especially when it comes to shoes, but I found four pairs of shoes. Mom found some nice stuff, too.
I asked her to make me an outfit to wear to Prom, but I don't know if that'll happen or not. She asked me to dog sit this coming weekend. I don't know about all that.
I've been looking for new pillows, and we had found some at Wal-Mart, but by the time I got to the register, and they rang up, I decided they weren't as nice as I had originally thought. They were Simmons Beauty Rest pillows, but I really don't know that I can justify spending $30 for one pillow, and I'd have to have 2 of them...anything less than 2 pillows isn't any fun!
Church was nice yesterday. At choir Practice, Brad told us parts of the Easter Musical he wants us to leave out and that is going to make it more complicated, I think, but we'll see. I was excited, though. He actually went over the song we were going to sing in Worship Sun. night during practice. That helped a lot!
I played around on the internet looking for a router. I think it's time I take the plunge and start securing my network, plus it would be nice to have wireless internet inside the house. I am still going to try sitting in my swing with the school laptop and see if I can get on the network there.
Today was the official start to Spring Break, and I vegged. I slept off and on most of the day, and I guess the highlight of the day was when I got the mail and realized my new "Overflow" CD was there. Good music!