Feb 02, 2009 11:58
Fork doesn't seem to like his new hidey box very much. He doesn't go in it very much, and he hasn't figured out the ramp yet. Hopefully he'll get used to it soon. Our new neighbor's puppy has developed separation anxiety. He howls all day long, and scratches at the door every time I come back from classes. I feel bad because he thinks I'm his person, but the constant howling is very annoying. I don't really know what to do about it though. I could talk to my landlady I guess, but I don't know what she would do about it. I don't know our neighbors, so I don't feel comfortable just talking to them about it. Mrow.
I have my first sociology quiz today. I'm a little nervous since people who've had classes with this professor before say he's rather specific... but I did the reading, so hopefully I'll do well. Anyway, I'm going to go get some lunch and head to class. So long!