Jun 02, 2004 14:22
I didn't do my chores last night because I went to sleep in tears.
I slept in until 7:30. missed the bus and had to get driven in by my mom who yelled and screamed at me the whole way there.
"I don't know how you're ever going to wake up on time for college... if you had an airplane you still couldn't make it there on time!?! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER IDIOT. YOU HAVE ONE MORE WEEK OF HIGH SCHOOL AND I STILL HAVE TO DRIVE YOUR SORRY ANOREXIC ASS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I got my sculpture back today. I know my mom's going to hate it. Matt will probably cry or laugh at me.
since it looks like an ewok, a wookie and a pig mixed with an orangutan... trying to masquerade as a sharpei-bulldog mix.
I want to get a mo-ped to drive around town on. I'll probably be getting around $125.00 in the mail from work for the month of May... and I can get the rest of what I need from family. all I need to do is see if I need to get my license or not.
I'm going to go read a magazine until school gets out.
take care of yourselves.
write to me or something. <3