Remembering all of the crazy personal interactions, the games, and the heartbreaks of high school, took me back to some intensely emotional times. It was interesting to know that the experiences I’d had were still being talked about when I wrote these strips!
hints at my fear that Lynn is stupid enough and vain enough to believe that she is the only child who ever has or ever will feel fear, heartache and anxiety.
I'm confused by "It was interesting to know that the experiences I’d had were still being talked about when I wrote these strips." Does she mean people she knows talking about Lynn's specific experiences? Or does she mean a more vague "things that teenagers go through" and a more vague "people out there talking about things"?
She gives me the impression that she is a complete, knuckle-dragging imbecile who thinks that the problems of childhood vanished forever when she got hitched. I think it's both.
Remembering all of the crazy personal interactions, the games, and the heartbreaks of high school, took me back to some intensely emotional times.
Notice that Lynn does not say that her intensely emotional time had anything to do with high school. In typical Lynnglish, she puts the statements close enough together to fool you. However, this makes sense because Lynn has very few high school stories.
She remembers things that happened in some high school, and that caused her to remember something intensely emotional for her. Now, that intensely emotional thing(s) was public enough so that people outside Lynn's life were talking about them back in 1995.
It was interesting to know that the experiences I’d had were still being talked about when I wrote these strips! What would those things be? Obvious choices are:
1. Lynn's first divorce.
2. Michael Vadeboncoeur's murder.
3. Cathy Guisewite getting the Reuben, so Lynn was no longer the only woman to get one.
4. Lynn not getting the Reuben for Lawrence's story
( ... )
Lynn's use of the passive voice ("experiences I'd had were still being talked about") of course creates distance and conceals the doers (WHO is doing the talking). It's giving "mistakes were made."
Lynn thinks, "I was remembering writing about Elizabeth dating Anthony and then I remembered that people were still talking about that drawing I did of the art teacher in high school. I can't believe how popular I still am."
Lynn's Comments:
Today's I Was A Teenage Lindy:
Remembering all of the crazy personal interactions, the games, and the heartbreaks of high school, took me back to some intensely emotional times. It was interesting to know that the experiences I’d had were still being talked about when I wrote these strips!
hints at my fear that Lynn is stupid enough and vain enough to believe that she is the only child who ever has or ever will feel fear, heartache and anxiety.
I'm confused by "It was interesting to know that the experiences I’d had were still being talked about when I wrote these strips." Does she mean people she knows talking about Lynn's specific experiences? Or does she mean a more vague "things that teenagers go through" and a more vague "people out there talking about things"?
She gives me the impression that she is a complete, knuckle-dragging imbecile who thinks that the problems of childhood vanished forever when she got hitched. I think it's both.
Tricky Lynnglish:
Remembering all of the crazy personal interactions, the games, and the heartbreaks of high school, took me back to some intensely emotional times.
Notice that Lynn does not say that her intensely emotional time had anything to do with high school. In typical Lynnglish, she puts the statements close enough together to fool you. However, this makes sense because Lynn has very few high school stories.
She remembers things that happened in some high school, and that caused her to remember something intensely emotional for her. Now, that intensely emotional thing(s) was public enough so that people outside Lynn's life were talking about them back in 1995.
It was interesting to know that the experiences I’d had were still being talked about when I wrote these strips! What would those things be? Obvious choices are:
1. Lynn's first divorce.
2. Michael Vadeboncoeur's murder.
3. Cathy Guisewite getting the Reuben, so Lynn was no longer the only woman to get one.
4. Lynn not getting the Reuben for Lawrence's story ( ... )
The emotional response is much the same in each case: anger.
Lynn's use of the passive voice ("experiences I'd had were still being talked about") of course creates distance and conceals the doers (WHO is doing the talking). It's giving "mistakes were made."
She's concealing her lack of concern with the end result of her actions by using that sort of language.
Good point there. Is Lynn the one doing the talking about her own experiences?
And if it's not Lynn, why does she not want us to know who has been talking?
I wonder if, in Lynn's imagination, someone is talking about her experiences.
Could be. I can imagine her thinking so.
Lynn thinks, "I was remembering writing about Elizabeth dating Anthony and then I remembered that people were still talking about that drawing I did of the art teacher in high school. I can't believe how popular I still am."
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