My ChikaraUta is...

May 22, 2016 00:00

My ChikaraUta is... CRY♥

The first time I ever heard this song, judging by the melody, rhythm and a tiny bit Japanese I know, I already knew that it's an awesome song---level inspirational, encouraging and comforting. And I was right! When I searched aitamashii for the lyrics I cry-ed... That time I was not going through anything but it hit me straight to the heart. I remember dedicating this song once to a friend when she was going through something and I believe it comforted her just like how it comforts me right now.

It's my ChikaraUta because at this point in my life, this song is like NEWS hugging me tightly, saying "There, there. It's okay, just cry it all out. You'll become stronger. You'll carry on." It's just amazing how this song warms my heart and feel the presence of NEWS members supporting me, encouraging me and comforting me in the lowest-est point of my life. And this part of the song says it all...

キミはきっと笑うだろう こんな泣き顔みたら
だから涙を全部こぼしたら 笑顔になれる希望を拾うよ

泣いてしまおう 今日は…

Belated Happy Birthday K-chan! ♥
Thank you sg_paanas for this lovely activity! ♥


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