Dec 19, 2004 01:15
Looking at photos of oneself can be excruciating. You're too fat, you have a terrible facial expression, you look tired, you look old, awful haircut, bad situation...for whatever reason it can be a painful process. That is, until you come across those photos that capture a moment or feeling.
Having recently returned from 12 months in Manila, I've spent a lot of time looking at photos. Many are boring and self-indulgent but every so often I will find one that makes my heart leap. There is the photo of me with my mum and dad and friends in a restaurant in Laguna having had a delightful lunch. A snap of three gorgeous beach-babes in bikinis (me included) at a natural spring in Bohol reminds me of my body-baring bravery. Just tonight I saw a photo of my housemate hugging me at a dinner in Malate and my heart just leapt. I am neither a model or a beauty queen and these photos are certainly not particularly flattering but they are beautiful because they remind me of happiness.