I feel like lovecraft in Brooklyn

Apr 24, 2008 02:34

Gosh, sometimes I forget how much I adore Aesop Rock. But then I remember and catch up with what he's been up to in the last couple of weeks. And it's always a ridiculously long list of awesomeness. And then my little heart is filled with love for him again and I'm all happy with butterflies in my stomach. ♥

But you know what breaks my heart? He was on tour in Europe (of course he wasn't in Germany, would have been too nice), BUT he was in England. Furthermore he was in England AT THE SAME TIME AS I WAS IN ENGLAND! Back in January/February, when I was in London for Peg3, he was in Brighton. I left on Monday, he was in London on Wednesday. I JUST WANT TO CRY! :(
It really is one of my big goals in life to once see this man live on stage. Alas, not gonna happen soon. Mabe for the next album. +g+

But back to things he does that make me happy: Him releasing the lyrics for None Shall Pass. Which I've been waiting for fooor-friggin-ever. Because I'm obsessed with his lyrics and have the lyric booklet from all his former albums. But that's not even the awesome part. Nope, the awesome part is, that he will release it in a 16 page digital book, accompanied with photographs by Chrissy Piper FOR FREE! YAY! :D

Also, he did a remix of The Mountain Goats' Lovecraft in Brooklyn, which, gosh, has my PSYCHED without having heard it. But already the original version of Lovecraft in Brooklyn is so great, I can't wait to hear what Aes made out of it! :D

Also he designed shoes for Adidas, which is only of limited interest for me. They may look cool but of course I could never afford them. xD

Also, reccing more music. Stuff I've enjoyed a lot recently include but are not limited to: Hot Chip, Foals, The Wombats, Yeasayer, The Last Shadowpuppets. Yay, music! :D

music is love, aesop rock

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