+rubs hands together+

Apr 25, 2008 12:16

Soooo. What up flist? Rise and shine. I'm really motivated today! +claps hands+ It's not even noon and already I've build a table. xD

Kind of had to, as I've bought the super-cheap 10€ couch table from IKEA and they forgot the screws. +rolleyes+ So I got out the wood glue and just glued the table legs to the tabletop. xD
My roommate looked at my super-awesome-genius construction and said: "That's never gonna work."
Me: +glares at him+ "Yes! YES IT WILL! By sheer force of will this table will last FOREVER!" +glares more+
But just to be safe I'm never gonna put full glasses on there. +grins+

What else? I made myself a new playlist! I have this weird habit of giving my playlists unuseful names with as much swearing as possible? So my new one is "girls, let's kick some ASS!" and it only features female voices of the Bikini Kill, Scream Club, M.I.A., Cora E, X-Ray Spex, Le Tigre variety. And it's awesome! It's my new favourite playlist ever, even better than the "SYNTHIEFUCK INURFACE!" one. ;)

The rest of the day is reserved for my paintedspires entry, as I have to post on sunday, don't have time to work on it tomorrow and it is rather far from being finished. And my tablet kind of crapped out on me on wednesday and so far I had no success in getting it to work again. D:

So today I'm motivated. Because if I wasn't I would be very much freaking out right now. But I'm not. Because I'm motivated.

And have women being angry underlayed with loud music coming out of my speakers. Hooray!

music is love, artstuff

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