Aug 20, 2014 17:55
After two degrees and most of your life spent in studies you still haven't proved anything. And all this effort is not miraculously going to pay off, who said it would? But I want to believe that one tiny bonus chance should be added to your chances when you are scrubbing life's yet another lottery ticket. It's not because you are worth it, it's not because it's fair, it's because it's just right.
Shouldn't you know what you are paying for? Shouldn't it be worth something? I know, I know, and I'm not complaining. I just don't want to sit here and lose all the things that could make a difference in this world. I don't wanna lose it all just because I don't have the right nationality, or faith, or because of the wrong passport, permit or whatever. I want to make a difference when I still can. When pushed to extremes you should finally get a reaction, so this is my reaction, CMON! Double rainbows and lepricons and irish clove, moon crystal's power or whatever that sailor girl was using, give me this one bonus percent.
When a person is ridiculously ugly he actually and weirdly acquires peculiar charm, you are most confident when you feel completely insecure and scared. If you are pushed by bad luck, good luck has finally to come in, doesn't it?
I'm so much getting my second coffee today.