May 12, 2009 01:39
Ran 3 miles today on the track, not including distance to and from track, also ran. Gonna feel this one tomorrow. Up from 2 miles and taking it easy on the way to McCarren. Next up is 16 laps on the track (4mi) and then 20. We shall see.
The girl makes fun of me for running in circles, but I need the rubber. I can't handle running on the street -- I did it for quite a few years, all through college and a year or two after. It's not kind to you, it's pretty bad for you. I suppose better running kicks would help, but it never helped me much. Still screws my legs up.
So I run around the track. People who are there when I start are replaced by other people by the time I'm done, which I guess is a good sign, but it also looks like futility. Still, I really enjoy it. Losing count of your laps sucks, you really have to think for a few minutes, while you're running, to figure out how many times you ran past the hot dog cart. It's important! To me.