Feb 23, 2024 12:39
This past week the NHS in the UK came out and said that chemically induced "chestfeeding" was just as good for nursing babies as breastmilk produced naturally from the infant's mother.
This is the level of madness the world is currently operating within.
You have a biological male who is mentally ill and thinks he is a female. This is what is called a "transgender woman". Transgender woman basically means mentally ill male. Scientifically, it will ALWAYS be male. No amount of screeching, screaming, canceling, government organizations and tech companies policing speech or chopping penises and inverting them into the body can change that one simple reality. Moving past that...
So you have this guy pretending to be a woman who decides someway to have/adopt a baby. This person cannot carry the child themselves, of course. Because of legitimate science. Because scientifically, someone born male cannot give birth to a child. Yet, this person in their delusion wants to playact what it is like to be a woman who has a child. So they fill themselves with even more chemicals presumably than the amount they used in order to poison their body into this illusion of being female in order for them to produce "milk".
Then they take the poor, abused infant and put it to this man's chest and it sucks this puss out. Puss mind you in which the longterm medical effects have NOT been evaluated. Sounds a bit like the Covid vax. Either way, real science should not stand in the way of extreme leftism.
There was one particular clip I watched in which the "trans person" described the experience in a grotesquely sexual way.
Apparently, according to the NHS, they are promoting this for trans men (i.e. women) who have had their breasts chopped off but "may" want to "chestfeed" their child. So this mentally ill person mutilated their body to try and imitate the opposite sex. But then, after doing that they now want to go BACK and try participating in the true biological purpose of their gender.
You cannot make this kind of lunacy up. And this is the stuff liberals support and defend. Even the ones who don't agree with it HAVE to support it. That is the liberal way. It's all in or nothing. You can't question anything. You can't disagree with any position or policy. You're all in, all the way down.
It sounds like government sanctioned sexual abuse of children.
The logical person sits there and asks themselves, how can this be happening. How can we live in a world where men and women pretend to be the opposite sex. Not as a joke in a film or play, not for the sake of comedy but truly because they believe it is "who they are". And no one is supposed to question it. If you do, you an "-ist" or a "-phobe" or whatever language they can use to try silencing your logical, reasoned opinion. A scientifically backed opinion that men cannot be women, and women cannot be men.
Then they drag out "scientists" like Neil deGrasse Tyson who claim there's a gender spectrum and people can be whoever they *feel* they want to be. This is modern "science". And because liberals are all dumb sheep, or should I say seals, they slap their flippers together and bark for people like Tyson. The world has gone completely mad.
The term "chestfeeding" itself is so Orwellian. Just one of a thousand examples of how they are manipulating speech in "current year" in the same ways Orwell wrote about in '1984'. Controlling the language. Completely screwing with people's minds. Especially young people, who buy into all this stuff because they are too unintelligent and unexperienced to know any better. You almost have to be impressed with the people pulling these strings, at the methodic steps they take to get this insanity injected into society.
I realize also that this is not a new thing. It has been going on for years. Slowly. Patiently. I may well even be wrapped up in it. Of course, I am. I am a gay man. Whether I promote or reject the lunacy of the trans movement, I am intrinsically connected to it. Was the right, right? When they said that gay marriage was a slippery slope? That people would eventually be marrying goats?
It almost seems like that would have been preferable to being in a society that promotes horrific body mutilations and the sexual abuse of children. Not only in these "chestfeeding" situations, but also with these young kids whose leftist parents decide to put them on puberty blockers, and the rest, in order to prevent the child from biologically developing because of this mass delusion that a person can CHOOSE their own "gender".
Gender, yet another word whose definition has been manipulated and weaponized.
What is a person to do? Hide away from society or speak out? Perhaps I need to get a "Liberals are Pedophiles" bumper sticker for the back of the Jeep.
This stuff is even closer to home really, because the Sparrow works with a lesbian who is married to a woman who now thinks she's a man. And he is very conflicted about his opinions because he likes this girl (who I think I named Miss "Science") and he doesn't want to offend her. Yet, my stance has always been that she has no qualms shaming and talking down to him whenever she righteously cites her "science". And these two are talking about having a baby themselves. It's child abuse. Because they are going to groom this child into their fucked up way of thinking.
The same with Lezzo at my job. Her and her partner were going to eventually have a kid. And she's stated outright that she'd raise the thing in line with the liberal way of thinking. The only thing that has prevented this from happening so far is the fact that they got themselves so deep into debt with their "statement wedding" that they can barely afford to feed themselves and their pets, let alone a baby.
I always thought I was a 'live and let live' type person. But the world is just getting so crazy, it almost seems like having that attitude is supporting this madness. Live and let live now means accepting that there are people in society openly abusing children right in front of you. And I don't even like kids. I hate being around them. And yet, here I am advocating for their protection.
Leftist, liberals, Democrats... whatever you want to call them. They support pedophilia. They want to shame and silence anyone that has an issue with it. People want to get these gay porn books taken out of school libraries and everyone from Lezzo to the current administration installed in the White House claim it is "modern day book burning". And they are serious. They believe this. They think an 8-year-old should have access to books in school about butt-fucking.
The left is proud of this stance. Liberals are proud pedophiles.